Paw Patrol: A Thunderbird Pup Encounter and More Djinni Pups

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(scene opens to a stormy night above Jake's mountain where Everest and Jake watch the stormy sky)

Everest: Whoa! It sure is a dark stormy night Jake!

Jake: (pets Everest) It sure is, girl, it sure is!

(flash of light revealing a silhouette in the sky)

Everest: (surprised gasps) I think I saw something in the sky!

Jake: (notices) Me too!

(lightning strikes the silhouette causing it to plummet toward the ground)

Everest: Uh oh! That poor bird or maybe bat?

Jake: I don't think a bat would go out in this storm, girl?

(the silhouette falls from the sky and crash lands outside the cabin)

Sound: (thud)

Everest: (gasps) It landed outside!

Jake: We'd better go check on the poor thing! (the twosome rush outside finding the crash site)

Everest: Hello, are you okay?

Female voice: (groans)

Everest: It sounds like a girl!

Jake: We'd better get her inside!

(the twosome carefully and gently bring the creature inside)

Everest: Whoa! This pup kinda reminds me of Dazzle! (looks closer and recognizes it) (surprised) Wait, a second Dazzle!? Is that you?

Dazzle: (rubs her head and wakes up) Oh, hi Everest! How are you?

Everest: (concerned) Dazzle, are you okay?

Dazzle: (nods) I just got struck by a little lightning! (uses her special tears to heal herself)

Jake: Dude, what were you doing out there?

Dazzle: Just looking for my old flying pup friend!

Everest: (realizes) Wait a minute, you're a fiery Phoenix Pup!

Jake: Uh oh!

Dazzle: (calmly) No worries guys, I've learned to control my fiery powers with some kind help! (walks over lying in the fireplace) (sighs in relief)

Everest: Oh okay, so what were you doing flying in that storm?

Dazzle: (sighs) I was looking for my old Thunderbird pup friend, Stormer!

Everest: Stormer?

Dazzle: (nods) She was my old flying buddy, with her being a Thunderbird pup she could weather any storm like it was nothing!

Everest and Jake: Whoa!

Dazzle: A pup related to storms and lightning!

Everest: Wow!

Dazzle: (nods) And she's quite adventurous too!

Everest: Cool!

(lightning strikes several feet away outside)

Jake: Whoa! That lightning struck very close to the cabin!

Everest: (nods) Yeah!

Sound: (door knocking)

Everest: (unsure) Were we expecting someone?

Jake: (shakes head) No, I don't think so!

Female voice: Pardon me, could I come in please I saw the crash site and thought someone could be hurt!

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