Magic Paw Tales: Solar Related Mayor Rivalry

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(scene opens to Mason, Wildfire, and Elastica at the Magic Paw Scrapyard where they are tossing old branches into a green super mulcher/woodchipper bin helper which beside an orange one and brown one)

Wildfire: These super mulcher/woodchipper bin helpers are quite helpful being able to break and handle large amounts of branches and thighs we can mulch!

Mason: Yep! Also to be honest, these are super mulcher/woodchipper/composter bin helpers! Their name was just shortened!

Elastica: Fair enough!

Mayor Humdinger's voice: Mason! I need to speak with you!

Mayor Goodway's voice: Not if I speak with Mason first!

Mason: (sighs) (gently facepalms) Not again!

(both mayors enter with their pets following)

Mason: What's going on, mayors?

Mayor Goodway: Mason, I request you help!

Mayor Humdinger: No, I need your help!

Tundra: (walks past with Snowball, Snowflake, and Snowdrop) Those two bickering again?

Mason: (nods) Yep! (whistles)

(both mayors immediately stop bickering)

Mayor Goodway and Mayor Humdinger: He/She did it!

Mason: (sighs) What do you need my help with?

Mayor Goodway and Mayor Humdinger: I need your help making Adventure Bay/Foggy Bottom a spotless town for the spotless town award!

Mason: You mean after the big storm?

Mayor Goodway and Mayor Humdinger: Exactly!

Mason: (eye rolls) Perhaps an exchange could be made?

Mayor Goodway and Mayor Humdinger: What kind of exchange?

Mason: (whistles) Here guys!

(ten mega solar station helpers march over)

Mayor Goodway and Mayor Humdinger: (surprised) Whoa!

Mason: These are mega solar station helpers! Together they can power a lot for quite some time!

Mayor Goodway and Mayor Humdinger: About the exchange?

Mason: I can send the recycling and debris helpers to help clean up, but you both need to do something in return!

Mayor Goodway and Mayor Humdinger: What would that be?

Mason: Lead these mega solar station helpers to the desert and let them collect sunlight to convert into energy for about an hour then come back with all of them!

Mayor Goodway and Mayor Humdinger: Ha! Easy!

Mason: (nods to Tundra and Wildfire)

Wildfire and Tundra: We'll be grading you! Each of you will have five mega solar station helpers to lead back and forth!

Mayor Goodway and Mayor Humdinger: (surprised) What!?

Mason: (shrugs) I guess you don't need help then!

Mayor Goodway and Mayor Humdinger: We'll do it! And the losing mayor has to do something else!

Mason: Easy! We've got a lot of woodchips that need to be loaded into crates!

Wildfire: Yep! We used the new super mulcher/woodchipper bin helpers to make a big pile!
Mayor Goodway and Mayor Humdinger: I'll easily bring back all my mega solar station helpers!

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