Mighty Pups vs Two Dragon Queens

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(scene opens to the Adventure Bay Museum where Everest and Skye welcome the Princess of Barkingburg since Liberty and the Junior Patrollers are back in Adventure Bay)

Everest and Skye: (to Mayor Goodway, Chickaletta, and Marshall who is helping clean) Introducing the Princess of Barkingburg!

(the Princess of Barkingburg enters the museum alongside the Earl of Barkingburg, Butler of Barkingburg Castle, and Sweetie who is followed by Busby)

Princess of Barkingburg: It's so good to be back in Adventure Bay! Also this feels kinda familiar yet different with Everest here instead of Liberty!

Everest: (gasps) Princess, are you saying you like Liberty more than me!?

Princess of Barkingburg: (realizes) (tries to explain to Everest) No, no, no Everest, I like you both equally as much as the other pups!

Everest: (giggles) Gotcha!

Princess of Barkingburg: (realizes) (giggles) Oh, you were just joking! Nice one Everest!

Everest: Thanks princess! Mirage helped me learn a little bit about acting including how to act surprised!

Princess of Barkingburg: Quite impressive!

Everest: Plus this one! Watch! (clutches where her heart is located) (coughs) (collapses on the floor)

Marshall: (notices) Everest! (rushes over) Everest, speak to me! Are you okay?

Everest: (takes her paw off her chest) (smiles lightly) I'm okay Marshall, I was just pretending! (slightly blushes being close to Marshall)

Marshall: (embarrassed) Oh! (slightly blushes) I guess Mirage helped you become quite an actress pup!

Everest: Aww, thanks Marshall! Oh! One other thing!

Marshall: What's that?

Everest: (reveals a zipper on her neck then pulls it down revealing herself to be Mirage)

Mirage: Hi guys!

Others: Mirage!

Skye: Wait, Mirage you were Everest this entire time?

Mirage: (giggles) No quite! (reveals a zipper on her neck and unzips again revealing herself to be Everest)

Marshall: (confused) Wait, are you really Everest or Mirage?

Everest: (giggles) It's the real me Marshall, Mirage suggested this little joke!

Mirage: (steps out from behind a pedestal) Yep! (makes both costumes vanish) Everest and I talked before coming here!

Skye: (chuckles) Quite a performance!

Mirage and Everest: Thanks guys!

Mirage: Well I'm headed back to the Magic Paw Inn/Arena in Barkingburg to help some of my family out!

Princess of Barkingburg: How long is it there again?

Mirage: For a while! The Ifrit pups are kindly looking after the one between Adventure Bay and Foggy Bottom!

Mayor Goodway: Very nice of those magic pups!

Mirage: (teleports away)

Sweetie: (looks at the meteor crystal crown) (quietly to Busby) I want that crown Busby! (explains idea to snatch it)

(scene zooms to a suit of armor revealing Gasket hiding behind it)

Gasket: (quietly to self) We'll see about that, Sweetie! (notices a nearby ball of string some cat possibly left behind) Hm?

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