Paw Patrol: Zombie Pup Emerges in a Flower Show

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(scene opens to woods outside Adventure Bay where Mayor Humdinger and his kittens are busy searching for a unique flower)

Mayor Humdinger: Come along kittens, we've got to find an award winning flower in these woods to win that flower show!

Cat Skye: (confused meow)

Mayor Humdinger: Mayor Goodway will realize if I use a fake flower so this is the next best option instead of growling one!

Kitten Catastrophe Crew: (shrugs)

Sound: (sniffs)

Cat Chase: (notices someone coming toward them) (scared meow) (points at an approaching green undead pup)

Mayor Humdinger: (notices) (screams) Zombie pup! Kittens, follow me to that tree! (points at a nearby tree!

(the group fearfully climb into a nearby tree

Mason's voice: Did someone say something?

(Mason emerges from the bushes as he follows Wither)

Wither: (looks over seeing the group in the tree) Just Mayor Humdinger and his kittens!

Mason: (looks over) Mayor Humdinger?

Mayor Humdinger: (fearfully) Mason, what are you doing with that undead brain eater!

Wither: (eye rolls) We don't eat brains remember! So please calm down and come down!

(Decay and Shrivel walk out of the bushes)

Mayor Humdinger: (scared screams) More zombie pups!

Zombie pups: (eye rolls) Can't all be winners!

Mason: Come along girls, let's resume what we came here for!

Mayor Humdinger: What are you talking about Mason?

Mason: Just looking for the girl's mother! She's bound to be buried around here somewhere! We're pretty sure she was a normal dog, maybe?

Wither: Yeah! Well we're outta here!

Mason: (walks away with the zombie pup triplets)

Mayor Humdinger: (relieved) phew! They left! (climbs down)

(scene changes to the foursome approaching a waterfall)

Wither: Wow! So nice!

Decay: (looks over finding a sunflower that's had green, orange, and purple petals instead of yellow) Ooh! Pretty! (sniffs) (sneezes) Achoo! (her saliva lands on the flower)

Mason: You okay, Decay?

Decay: Just a little sneeze!

Mason: I don't think zombie pup saliva will mess with the unique flower!

Decay: (nods) Okay!

Wither: I hope we can find out where mom is?

Mason: What color is she again?

Wither, Decay, and Shrivel: (unsure) Um... (embarrassed) We forgot, since it's been so long!

Mason: (calmly) We'll find her girls, I promise you!

(the group walks off as Decay's saliva soaks into the ground as the scene moved to below revealing a green, orange, and purple female zombie husky similar to the triplets and the drool touches her face)

Zombie husky: (eyes widen) Decay! I felt the drool of one of my baby girls! (realizes) Oh! I'm still buried! (feels the roots near her face) Hm? This gives me an idea! (extracts one of her teeth) I can regenerate my whole body with just a small part of me! (manages to embed her tooth into flower)

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