Paw Patrol: New Pack of Ifrit Pups

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(scene opens to Pinecone Forest where Mason and Venus with Everest and Jake among a small tour group)

Everest: I'm surprised you two decided to come along?

Mason: Venus and I were both interested in a little adventure!

Venus: Yep! Plus it's such a nice day to be outside!

Everest: (giggles) True!

(ground shakes without warning)

Jake: (surprised) Whoa! What was that?

Everest: (unsure) I'm not sure?

(a rift opens in front of the tour group)

Mason: Looks like an interdimensional rift!

Tour Group: Ooh! (takes photos)

(a group of six pups leaps through)

Venus: (sniffs) (eyes widen) Oh boy!

Jake: Something wrong girl?

(the rift implodes but nothing is touched in this world)

Lead female pup: Phew! We got out before the big bang!

Secondary female pup: Too sad nobody else got through!

Young female pup: My aunt and uncle gave their lives for our safe escape!

Lead female pup: (notices the group) Invaders, Lightning strike!

(Mason secretly pulls out the Fist of Tebigong)

Lightning: On it Frost Fern! Stay behind me Ice Lily!

Jake: (to Venus) What were you gonna say Venus?

Venus: Those are ifrit pups!

Everest: I remember how Blizzard's group was when they first arrived!

Lightning: Taste lightning! (fires a lightning bolt)

Mason: (gets in front of the tour group) Fist of Tebigong! (uses the Fist of Tebigong to shield everyone from the lightning)

(the Fist of Tebigong blocks the bolt lightning)

Crowd: (surprised) Whoa!

Mason: (blows on the Fist of Tebigong)

Everest: Wow!

Lightning: (surprised) Wow! Call me impressed!

Frost Fern: Golden, Wind, Sand, prepare to counter attack, (calmly) please!

Mason's voice: Sphere of Yun!

All six: (surprised) Yipe!

Venus: (uses her magic on the Sphere of Yun) Gotcha!

Everest: That was unexpected!

Frost Fern: (tries to teleport out) Hey? I can't teleport out?

Venus: (walks over) I enchanted the Sphere of Yun! You troublemakers aren't escaping that easily!

Frost Fern: (pouts) (gently pets Ice Lily)

Mason: I'm just guessing, but are you her mom?

Frost Fern: (nods) My beloved daughter Ice Lily!

Everest: (walks over) What a nice name!

Mason: I apologize, but none of this is personal!

Frost Fern: How did you know of our naughty nature?

Mason: You're not the first ifrit pups we've encountered!

All six: (eyes widen) (surprised) Wait, what!?

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