Paw Patrol: Voodoo Pups in Town

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(scene opens to Adventure Beach in the morning where a log with three pups aboard arrives one being a female husky, second a male dalmatian, and third being a little spotted husky girl belonging to both)

Adult Husky: Well family, we've arrived on solid ground!

Dalmatian: Tiki, my love are you sure we'll be welcomed here?

Tiki: At ease Link, I'm sure nobody will mind us voodoo pups if we stick around! (embarrassed) So long as we're not holding someone's belongings while in our voodoo suits then something unexpected happens! (to little pup) What do you think, Vexy my precious baby girl?

Vexy: I hope we can find a nice home mama!

Tiki: (smiles and nods understandingly) I hope so too dear, after our time on that island until we were lost at sea during that storm!

Link: Glad we reached land in time! (paw on his skinny body)

Mason: (walks over with Mirage and Lilac) Hi! Who are you three pups?

Tiki: Hello, I'm Tiki, this is my husband Link, and our daughter Vexy!

Mason: Very nice to meet you! (looks closer) Whoa! You three look starving?

TIki: (shyly) Well we were lost at sea for a few days!

Mason: Mirage, could you help them out?

Mirage: Sure! (summons bowls of food) Tada!

All three: (surprised) Whoa! How'd you do that?

Mirage: I'm a genie pup!

Link: (looks at Lilac) What about you dealer?

Lilac: I'm a basilisk pup! (looks at Mason) A new yet very close friend helped my family learn to control our powers better! We've got excellent control over our petrifying gaze now!

Vexy: Wow! So cool!

(several dozen food bowls later)

Tiki, Link, and Vexy: (lay down with stuffed bellies)

Mason: Boy, you three really needed food and water!

Tiki: (touched) Thank you for your kindness, we'll never forget this!

Mason: (nods understandingly) We're happy to help! Also I'm Mason by the way!

Tiki: I Really hope we meet again really soon!

(scene changes to later at Pinecone Forest where Tiki, Link, and Vexy now wearing their summoned voodoo outfits have joined a group of tourists being led by Jake and Everest)

Vexy: Ooh! Very cool!

Everest: Aww, thanks! (curiously) What did you three say your names where again?

Tiki: I'm Tiki, this is my husband Link, and our daughter Vexy!

Everest: Cool names!

Tiki: Thanks dear!

Everest: Also interesting outfits too!

Tiki: Don't tell anyone yet, but we're a family of the last known Voodoo pups!

Everest: Voodoo pups? Never heard of that breed?

Tiki: (nods) We were on an island until a storm came along and brought us here!

Everest: Are you okay?

Link: We were super hungry but a nice fellow with a genie pup and basilisk pup kindly provided a good amount of food!

Everest: Sounds like you found Mason, he's got a real soft spot for the magic pups!

Tiki: (notices Everest's pup tag she lost during Pups Save Old Trusty then picks it up) Pretty!

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