Amusement Park;

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Tw: Panic attack,swearing,crying,
- Lots of fluff tho! Enjoy!

Nick was chilling In his room watching random videos on TikTok when all of a sudden his door flung open and there stood Matt and Chris with huge smiles on their faces.

"NICKY BEAR!!" They both yelled and jumped on him giggling.

"Oh god what did you guys do and how much money do I owe mom and dad??"

Nick looked at them both with concern on his face and held the two younger brothers in his arms.

Matt chuckled and ruffled Nick's hair "you don't owe mom and dad any money and we didn't do anything bad we just wanna spend time with our brother is that so bad?".

He pouts and Chris pouts too, nodding with Matt in agreement.

"Yeah we wanna spend time with you and have a day all about nick since you think we don't love you as much we want to prove you wrong!" Chris smiled at Nick with puppy eyes.

Nick just chuckled and gave in "fine we can spend time together today!"

He said very excited and stood up once Matt and Chris got off of him.


Chris cheered and grabbed Nick's hand dragging him to the car along with Matt making them both chuckle at just how excited their younger brother was.

(3 hrs later at the amusement park)

Matt pulled into the parking lot and parked the car.

They grabbed all the things they needed for the day and headed into the park since matt already bought the tickets online they made their way to the middle of the park and looked around.

"Holy shit look at that huge roller coaster we have to go on it!"Chris screams and Nick covers his ears

"scream one more time in my ear and I will punch you!" Nick pushes Chris playfully and laughs.

"Oop- sorry Nick I'm just so excited!" Chris chuckles and follows Matt who has the map of the park.

Matt was tariffed of being dropped and being so high up and that was literally all he could see but this was nick's day and he didn't want to ruin it but his panic attack was already taking over.

He tried to hide it and just smiled at his two brothers hoping to god they wouldn't catch on and they thankfully didn't which surprised matt.

They waited in line for what felt like hours. The closer to the front they got the more Matt's heart started to race.

They soon got to the front and Matt sat right in the middle of Nick and Chris gripped the handles so tight his knuckles started to turn white.

Nick and chris never noticed they had their arms up and were having the time of their life the ride started going father and farther up and matt was mentally cursing but he couldn't get any words out.

but as soon as it shot down he screamed louder than anyone on that whole ride and started to cry and trimble.

He couldn't see anything. Everything was a blur from how fast they were going and Nick and Chris were just laughing and having the time of their lives.

Matt just kept sobbing and shaking trying to get off the ride but that wasn't possible.

Soon the ride came to a complete stop and they all got off.

Matt was so relieved he literally fell to the dirty ground and kissed it pulling his legs into his chest shaking.

Nick gasped and picked Matt up going back to the van Chris followed after them and they all got in the van and held Matt till he calmed down.

"Matty what happened you were fine just 30 minutes ago??" Chris questioned him with a sad expression on his face.

"Chris, he had a panic attack.." Nick frowns playing with Matt's hair as Matt cries harder thinking he ruined Nick's day.

Chris pouts and grabs matthews hands softly rubbing little circles into his hands."take deep breaths buddy you didn't ruin anything if thats what youre thinking your feelings are valid matty we love you!" He whispers looking at him with a sweet smile.

Nick smiles once he sees that Matt calmed down and he finally sat up.

"I know but I still feel bad today was supposed to be about Nick.." Matt whispers looking at Nick with soft baby blue eyes full of guilt.
Nick shook his head and laughed.

"Matt i'm fine as long as i'm with you two i have so much fun we don't even have to go out you and chris just being around me brings me so much joy and i love you both so much thank you for today let's go have rootbeer floats and enjoy the rest of the day here the night is still young boys!"

Chris smiles along with matt and they all go in for a group hug and enjoy the rest of the day/night making memories together that they will never forget and all you could hear was their adorable laughs throughout the whole park.

-Hope you all enjoyed this sorry it's so rushed send in requests if you want one please!! Mkay byee!!

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