Shark Attack; 2/2

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🦇Request from: Savannah52722
Can you do a 2nd part of this about Nick where he held all his emotions in about it and finally broke down or something?

💜Tw: very sad,injuries,blood,just a Tw for anything in this chapter!

💙-sorry if there is any errors or spelling mistakes!!Also i hope this is what you had in mind i tried my best!! I included everyone else as well! Just to put a little twist on it!

🧡-lots of fluff :)

{Third POV}

Nick held in all of his emotions since Chris got brutally attacked by that shark.Since that day him and Matt were traumatized; they didn't even want to look at pictures of the ocean because they both just kept getting flashbacks of that day. Nick got them worse than Matt though it took a big toll on his mental health.

He finally broke one day in front of his family he couldn't hold it in anymore he felt like it was all his fault,he felt like he could have done a lot more in that situation it would haunt him for the rest of his life and he knew therapy wouldn't be able to erase the vivid memories in his brain.

Nick fell on his knees sobbing. He felt his whole body give out and felt his heart shatter. His body was so tired and nobody noticed this till he finally shattered in Front of everyone.Matt gasped running over to his 2nd older brother and wrapped his arms around him rubbing his back as he just sobbed uncontrollably into Matt's shirt gripping it with his fist tightly.

"Shh i got you Nicky" Matt whispers, holding him tight as he rocks back and forth.Nick sniffles trying to calm down as he listens to Matt's heart beat.

Mary Lou frowns as she walks up to Nick and Matt hugging them both her heart broke seeing her sons in so much pain she wished she could take the pain away but deep down she knew it wouldn't be the same again truth be told everyone was falling apart,they just didn't notice Nick took it the hardest out of everyone.

Matt and Nick both started crying as soon as they felt their mom hug them. It was just something about it that made them lose their composure,they felt all of their emotions completely take over and Mary Lou just held them both tight rocking them both softly as she comforted them the best she could.

They all knew this was gonna take a long time to get over but honestly the pain would probably always be there,Justin,Nick,and Matt almost lost their little brother that day in the water. Mary Lou and Jimmy almost lost their youngest son that day in the water to that horrible accident and that would forever be in the back of their minds.

They tried their hardest to give Chris as much freedom as possible but they also had that fear in the back of their minds that something was gonna happen. Truth be told they knew that it was bad to think that negative but they were just trying to be as careful as possible when it came to Chris they didnt want to say or do anything to upset him. They just wanted him to be happy and carefree like he was before that horrible accident happened.

{Chris' pov in his mind because he can't speak just yet}

I was currently sitting in my room, listening to my parents and my siblings crying about me. I honestly don't think they know that I could hear them but I can and it always breaks my heart because why did they have to cry over me? I'm still here I know I got attacked by a shark, but I'm still alive. They act like they have to tiptoe around me. They act like every little thing they do is gonna tip me off where I'm gonna get mad.

Truth be told all I want is my life back. I just want to be happy. I want to be treated the way I was treated before this attack. I feel so ugly I feel like I'm just a burden to everybody because I can't do most things that I used to be able to do, it breaks my heart because I just want to be independent. I want to feel like myself again I don't want my parents or my siblings to feel like they can't be around me.

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