We aren't going anywhere;

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🦌-I Decided to write this to celebrate my 13

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🦌-I Decided to write this to celebrate my 13.80k reads,308 votes,and 253 comments and 46 followers!!. I appreciate you guys so much. Thank you for all the love!!

🦇 -TW:
very graphic descriptions in this chapter,hospitalization,Just very sad overall just go grab the tissues now!!

🦈-no fluff for now oop,sorry if there are any spelling errors or mistakes!!

{Third POV}

The Stromboli triplets were in the middle of filming a car video when all of a sudden Matt and Nick looked over at Chris with horror in their eyes, concern filled their eyes as they watched their younger brother sit there completely zoned out his eyes were completely dilated they looked like they were black instead of the warm and inviting blue that they usually were.

"CHRIS WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?? WHAT'S GOING ON WITH YOU ?!!" Nick and Matt yell at the same time putting their hands on Chris' shoulders to comfort him since he looked like he just saw a ghost,Chris moved his head to look at them both his eyes were terrifying to look at.

before Chris could even answer his brothers his eyes rolled back as blood ran out of his nose his whole body starting to shake violently,causing Nick to grab his phone with his shaking hands as he dilated 911 describing every detail to the operator, as his voice shook, he was truly terrified by what was happening to Chris in front of him.

Matt teared up unbuckling Chris from his seat belt as he turned him on his side in the seat so he wouldn't choke on his own throw up if he started puking since he was in the middle of a very intense seizure.

everything happened so fast that both Matt and nick were just moving off of their adrenaline and peer shock their bodies were in fighter flight mode right now all they cared about Was Chris in this very moment and keeping him alive.

Chris had vomit all over the seat and himself he was still shaking really badly and blood was running down his lip from his nose his whole body was losing control,Matt and Nick were freaking out as they waited for the paramedics to arrive,Matt still had Chris on his side as he kept talking to him sweetly.

"C-Chris it's gonna be okay, me and Nick are here i promise!" Matt whispers, running his fingers through Chris' soft brown hair as he watches him slowly stop shaking,Chris still did not have control of his body he was just truly exhausted and in pain from all of it he couldn't even be bothered to move or even open his eyes his breathing was very slow and hard to hear at times which scared Matt and nick even more.

Nick watched in pure horror as he seen his baby brother lose all control of his own body it truly broke his heart he wished he could take his place instead,Chris didn't deserve this no one did,they waited for the paramedics to arrive it was the slowest 30 minutes of their whole life,they were so scared they didn't know if Chris was gonna wake up, but he did stop shaking so that was already a good sign,well at least to them it was.


It all happened so fast,one minute everything was fine, they were filming a car video like usual then the next Chris went into a horrible seizure,honestly it was the scariest moment of Nick and Matt's life. They were truly devastated when it happened to their baby brother,it was like he was in a trance. They have never seen him in that state before so you could honestly tell it really shook them up.

Chris was in a hospital room hooked up to a whole bunch of machines. He had one tracking his brain waves and others keeping track of his heart rate and other things tracking his breathing,just in case anything happened in the next 30 to 40 minutes the doctors and nurses would know right away.

That gave Matt and Nick a lot of comfort and relief knowing their little brother was in the best hands and that they actually cared about their concerns and listened to their questions when they had any to ask even if Matt and Nick thought some of the questions were stupid the nurses made sure they answered them to the best of their abilities and helped them understand what's going on and that Chris would be just fine.

After a while they called their parents and made sure they knew what was going on even though they were all the way and Boston and the triplets we're currently in California,they still kept them in the loop of everything because they were still their parents and it didn't Matter that they were in their 20's at this very moment.

all that mattered is that Chris was gonna be okay and that he would be released tomorrow since the seizure took a lot out of him and made him very sore and sleepy,honestly he needed the rest so Matt and Nick didn't mind at all,they were extremely exhausted themselves but they weren't gonna leave Chris by himself,not after what happened.

"Chris,it's Matt speaking to you right now. I don't know if you can hear me but I'm so happy you're gonna be okay that shit was terrifying,honestly hope i never witness that again!" Matt explains while grabbing Chris' hand softly as he spoke to him in a comforting tone.

Chris' chest raised up in down as he breathes softly with the help of the breathing machine that he was hooked up too,he honestly looked so fragile,it broke Nick and Matt's heart seeing just how much of a toll this took on him,Chris was in a deep sleep at this very moment since he had to be sedated since he was shaking so violently from the seizure.

"I really hope he wakes up soon.." Nick adds into the conversation between Matt and Chris as Matt looks over at Nick with a reassuring smile on his face as he gestures for him to walk over to where he is with Chris as he scoots over so Nick can have a place to sit.

Nick takes a seat next to Chris' bed as he grabs his hand softly feeling tears start to sting his eyes as he holds his younger brother's Hand gently trying so hard to stay positive. Matt knew this was gonna be a long road to recovery but he would do anything to make sure Chris was back to his old self in no time.

"I know,we all do but we gotta stay strong for him that's what he would want from all of us instead of crying Nicky" Matt responds back to Nick with a soft tone as he wraps his arm around Nick's shoulder in a comforting manner,Nick smiled softly sniffling as he nods hugging Matt tightly.

They needed each other more than ever right now,they decided to take turns sleeping so they could watch for if anything happened with Chris,they hoped and prayed all night for a miracle,they just wanted their silly and obnoxious little brother back,honestly they missed his loudness and obnoxiously loud laugh,they didn't realize just how much it meant to them till they couldn't hear it anymore.

This really opened their eyes at just how precious life is. They made a promise to themselves that night that if Chris opened his eyes the next morning they would make sure he knew just how much they cared about him and just how much he meant to everyone around them.


Cliff hanger again!! Don't hate me sksks,what do you think will happen next?? Do you think Chris will wake up?

Tell me in the comments I'll be working on part 2 very soon. I just came up with this idea on a whim. I hope you guys liked it!!!!

Still working on requests as well just thought it would be fun to do requests,part 2's and random stories in between as well!!

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Thank you again!!


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