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💜Request from: Zaneyypoo
Could you do one where Nick is afraid of needles but they have to get some sort of vaccine so he cries and shit but the rest of the day is kinda just fluff with his brothers then (you can write some parts how you would like I don't really care) ❤️

💙TW: needles,Blood,Swearing,
Doctors office!

🧡-sorry if there is any spelling errors or mistakes!! Lots of Fluff though so Enjoy! Comment and let me know how you like it!! I love getting comments so much it warms my heart getting feedback!!!
This is a very long chapter by the way I got really into it lol

{Third POV}

Nick was currently pacing back and forth biting his nails,today was the day they were supposed to get their flu shot and let's just say Nick was not thrilled to say the least he hated shots with a passion.

"Nick get down here we are leaving!" Chris yells up the stairs making Nick jump from his overwhelming thoughts of needles and blood he honestly felt like throwing up now. He didn't even wanna go downstairs but he knew he had to or Matt would get a mattitude with him and he didn't want to hear that right now or he would cry for real this time.

"I'll be right there!!" Nick yelled back rolling his eyes as he grabbed his phone and wallet while sliding on his shoes and putting on his jacket as he ran down to where his brothers were he felt his heart racing even more then it was upstairs if that was even possible.

"Took you long enough!" Matt sassed rolling his eyes as he walked out the door with Chris following him behind him as he just laughed at how sassy Matt was acting he honestly couldn't believe the level of mattitude he had today.

Nick just sighed following them both out to the car so they could start the 30 minute drive just to be tortured together,at least that's what Nick was thinking because his anxiety was through the fucking roof and he hated shots more then birds at this very moment,He would rather be attacked by a bird then get a needle in his arm,and honestly that was saying a lot.


Matt pulled into the parking lot putting the car in park as he took the keys out of the ignition taking off his seatbelt as he grabs his phone from the center console and gets out of the car,Chris takes off his seat belt as well taking his phone off the aux as he follows Matt out of the car going to Nick's door and opening it for him. Nick took a deep breath and got out of the car, closing the door behind him as he followed both of his brothers into the doctor's office to get checked in.

Chris walked up to the desk and signed them all in making sure they were gonna be seen on time.Matt walked over to the waiting room and takes a seat with Nick sitting right next to him as he bounces his leg feeling his heart race even faster than it was in the car,he honestly didn't know that was possible he just kept watching the clock as the minutes dragged by Chris finally joined them taking a seat on the other side of Matt who was to busy playing Pokémon GO to even realize Nick was closing his mind right next to him.

"Nicolas,Matthew,and Christopher Sturniolo?" A kind nurse Named Kate with a clipboard in her hands says loud enough for them all to snap out of their phones and rush over to her with smiles on their faces. "You guys can follow me this way" she says sweetly and walks down to where they were gonna be seen by a doctor and opens the door letting them all walk in and take a seat on the long table with parchment paper on it.

Nick gulped, sitting between Matt and Chris as he rubbed his sweaty palms on his jeans feeling his breathing pick up as he tried to calm himself down. Matt looked over at his older brother with concern, seeing that Chris was already doing the same thing but before they could say anything to Nick a doctor walked into the room with a clipboard in his hands as he smiled.

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