Stressed out;

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🦇Request from: Savannah52722
Can you do one where Nick is really stressed out and he panics during a car video. Only if your comfortable

💜Tw: panic attack,lots of emotions,swearing. Just trigger warning in general if I missed anything!!

💙-lots of fluff at the end!! Sorry if there are any mistakes or spelling errors!

🧡-I wrote this whole chapter while drinking two cans of Pepsi,honestly I can see what Chris is talking about Pepsi's really do give great ideas!! Bahaha anyway enjoy! 🦌

{Third POV}

Nick covered his ears and squeezed his eyes shut, starting to cry because he couldn't breathe. He tried to scream but nothing would come out of his mouth. He was struggling to keep himself calm, nothing was helping he felt like the whole car was squeezing him together.

Matt and Chris were in the middle of arguing over something stupid when all of a sudden Chris caught a glimpse of Nick in the corner of his eye.his heart instantly broke seeing his older brother like this it was a truly heartbreaking site.

"Holy shit Nick!" He gasps,climbing in the back and pulling him into his chest as he rubbed his back softly trying his hardest to calm him down but he couldn't get him to stop. It was like he was stuck.

Nick tried so hard to catch his breath but he couldn't. He didn't know why this was happening but soon his vision started to go blurry as he started to hyperventilate,he gasped out for air gripping Chris' shirt.

"Matt, call 911!" Chris yells from the backseat as he holds Nick. He passed out against his chest and went limp making Matt panic and dial the emergency number faster than he has ever done anything in his life.

"It's okay buddy, I'm here, the paramedics are on the way, stay with me please!!" Chris whispers as tears run down his face. He ran his hand through Nick's soft blonde hair as he tried to get him to wake up but nothing was working. He felt a faint pulse which made him calm down a little but he was still freaked out by the whole situation.

Matt got out of the front seat and got in the back with Chris and Nick and grabbed his older brother's hand softly rubbing circles into his palm as he silently cried as well. "This is a really bad panic attack. I have never seen Nick go through this before and it's honestly so scary I hope this never happens again" Chris says looking at Matt and Nick as he wipes his eyes with his fist softly sniffling.

"Yeah I agree it's probably from all the stress of editing and not really sleeping that well at night" Matt whispers, still holding Nick's hand as they all wait for the ambulance to pull up. Honestly he could have driven them to the hospital but he was so overwhelmed with this happening so fast that he didn't think it would be safe for him to drive at this moment so he went with the safest option instead.

After about 20 minutes the ambulance showed up and got Nick onto a stretcher as they got him secured with the restraints to make sure he didn't fall off the stretcher they brought him over to the ambulance and got him into the back as Chris and Matt got in along with them.

Matt held Nick's hand still as Chris held his other hand they never let go of his hands the whole way there they were just saying sweet things to him and running their fingers through Nick's hair gently.

They finally made it to the hospital and Nick was brought back to a room getting checked by a lot of nurses and doctors to make sure he was gonna be fine. About 30 minutes passed and Nick was finally awake and very confused on why he was in the hospital; he couldn't remember anything that happened.

Chris looked over seeing Nick finally awake and nudged Matt with his arm as he groaned slowly waking up as he sat up rubbing his eyes. "W-what is it Chris?" Matt whispers still not fully awake and Chris just chuckles ruffling Matt's hair.

"Nick is finally awake just thought you should know!" He smiles and Matt instantly wakes up more smiling as he rushes over to Nick's bed grabbing his hand softly,Chris follows close behind him grabbing Nick's other hand with a smile on his face as well.

Nick looks at both of his brothers smiling weakly since he was so tired from the panic attack it took a lot out of him,he gently grabbed both of his brothers hands softly as he took a deep breath finally feeling so much better since the panic went away and he could finally think clearly now.

"How are you feeling kid?" Chris asks looking at Nick with a sweet comforting smile on his face he was so relieved that Nick was feeling better because honestly that was the scariest moment of his life and he hopes it never happens again.

"I-I'm feeling a lot better now that was honestly so scary.. I don't understand how it got that bad but I hope it never happens again. It took all of my energy and strength out of my body from panicking that hard.." Nick whispers, squeezing both of his brother's hands softly with each word that excaped his mouth. He honestly needed his brothers so much right now he needed to close to them or the thoughts would come back and he didn't want that.

Matt frowned hearing these words from Nick. He felt his heart break at the thought of knowing his brother felt so helpless in that moment and he couldn't do anything to get out of that daze of panic and anxiety he was in. He was just glad Nick was doing Better, that's all he could ask for.

"Well we are always gonna be here from now on I promise,you won't ever have to go through that alone again we will help you with whatever comes your way this job isn't all on you it's on all three of us we are a team Nick,we love you so much kid you scared us so bad in the car I hope that I never have to witness that again I promise to always be right here for you can always come and talk to me Nicky don't ever think you are alone because you aren't! You have me,Chris,Justin,mom,dad,and Nate and all of our other friends. We are just one call/text away! Or one room away since we live together promise me you will come to us from now on if you ever feel this stressed again! Please?"

Matt says while holding Nick's hand as he tears up making Chris and Nick tear up as well because no one could have said it any better than Matt he always knew just what to say and always knew just how to comfort someone and they loved him for that they all hugged each other on able to say anything else,they just cried in each others arms as they felt all the stress, anxiety and overthinking leave their bodies as they hugged each other as tight as possible,they really needed this.they needed each other, especially in this moment.

{30 Minutes later}

They finally got discharged from the hospital Nick felt way better and his brothers were very happy that he wasn't feeling as bad as he was when they first got to the hospital.

Matt drove them home and they all got stettled into the house,Chris made popcorn and grabbed everyone's favorite drinks along with some sweets and made his way into Nick's room for a movie night,something haven't done in a while.Nick smiled watching Chris walk into the room with everything and patted the spot next time him and he gladly took him up on his offer, Chris walked over and sat on his Right side since Matt was already on the left side of Nick snuggled up to him.

Chris snuggled up to Nick as well as Matt pressed play on the movie they had passed while they got all of their snacks ready so they wouldn't miss anything,Nick would be lying if he didn't admit that  he loved cuddling with his brothers so much it brought him so much peace and comfort,he felt so loved in these moments.He couldn't help but giggle making Chris and Matt laugh when they heard him.

They stayed cuddled up for the rest of the night falling asleep after 3 hrs of joking around and watching funny movies together just enjoying each others company,they all slept peacefully in each others embrace,it was honestly the best sleep they have had in a while.Nick,Matt,and Chris knew they would be just fine because they had each other to lean on and that made everything a hundred times better.


-This is my 18th request!! Thank you so much for being so patient with me!!
I really hope you liked it!!
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-Requests are still closed till I catch up on my current ones thank you for understanding and being so patient with me <3

Also today marks two months since I started my book!!  So this chapter is to celebrate!!! Yay!!! Also thank you for 5k reads!!! That's still crazy to me!


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