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Request from: Anastasia10963
Hi! Can you do one where Matt is sick like really sick?

Tw: Throwing up,swearing
-lots of fluff just saying that now 🦈💙

Matt wasn't feeling well at all he woke up with cold sweats his whole bed was soaked with sweat.he felt gross to say the least. He decided to get up and take a shower just to feel a little bit better and cool down his body since he had a fever.

He shuffled over to the bathroom with a towel over his shoulders trying so hard not to fall he felt so weak and drained,he just wanted this shower over with and to be back in his nice warm bed.

30 minutes passed and he got out wrapping a towel around his waist after drying off and walked into his room grabbing a clean pair of sweatpants along with his favorite shirt that had Looney Tune characters on it.

He knew this was gonna be a long day but he had to pull through for his brothers even though he really wanted to lay in bed and ignore the world and sleep because he was really sick. He put his black converse on and walked downstairs to the living room where Nick and Chris were sitting.

"Matty!!" Chris smiles seeing Matt walk into the room.Matt just waved not having enough energy to talk and Nick just stared at him tilting his head when Chris just frowned a little when Matt didn't say a word and just sat away from his brothers on the other end of the couch.

"Matt..are you okay?" Nick says looking at his brother with worry in his eyes because he could obviously see Matt wasn't being himself and had dark circles under his eyes.

Matt just nods, not making eye contact with Nick because he knew as soon as he did he would breakdown and honestly he didn't want anyone to see him like that not even his brothers.

"Matt, please talk to us?" Chris whispers looking just as worried as Nick as they both move closer to Matt making him move further away.

Nick frowned watching Matt move "Matty we just wanna help you please?" He says pouting,that was enough for Matt to start tearing up.

"Aww Matty B!" Chris says cooing and wraps his arms around his brother trying to comfort him as he starts sobbing into Chris' chest.Nick ran his fingers through his brothers hair clearing knowing he was sick because Matt doesn't normally cry like this unless he is feeling really sick or having anxiety.

"M-my tummy hurts so bad! And I have the worst headache. Please make it stop!" Matt cries clinging to Chris and Nick as they just frown trying to calm him down the best they can.

"Aw bub how about we get some medicine and watch movies today we don't have to go out it's clear you're too sick" Nick says cooing as he gets up and goes to get medicine and a cold wash rag for Matt.

Chris holds him close as he waits for Nick to return. Matt calmed down a little sniffling as he cuddled with his brother after about 10 minutes Nick finally came back with everything to help his brother feel better and comfortable.

"Here Matt sit up for me please I have some medicine for your headache and belly issues" Nick whispers sweetly to him as he sits up completely reaching for the medicine and water taking a sip of it carefully since his throat was super dry.

"There we go good job Matty bear!" Chris says smiling at him as he just giggles softly at how sweet his brothers are being to him.

"I love you guys so much" Matt whispers looking at Chris and Nick as they both smile back at him taking the cup of water away so he doesn't spill it.

They turned on a movie and snuggled up together. They really enjoyed just being around each other. They felt so safe and comfortable their whole body was relaxed without a care in the world.Fox and the hound was currently playing in the background as they slept peacefully in each other's arms wrapped in a blanket.

{3 hrs later}

Matt groaned wrapping his arms around his stomach it felt like his belly was having a fight he couldn't get the pain to go away he felt burning in his throat as Silva filled his mouth and he got super hot his eyes widened realizing he was in fact about to puke tears filled his eyes because he felt paralyzed with fear he didn't want to puke he hated puking but before he could even process what was happening eyes hands get clammy and he felt sweat dripping down his face.

His stomach was in so much pain he tried to get out of bed but he didn't make it he projectile vomited all over the bed his dinner from last night going everywhere he was crying and shaking so badly all of his joints felt stiff.

Chris woke up and screamed seeing Matt covered in puke which instantly woke up Nick and his eyes widened rushing out of the bed and going to grab towels and everything they needed to clean up the bed,Matt was still crying his eyes out.

Nick rushed back into the room. "Holy shit kid what happened, do you feel better now?!" He asks frowning as he carefully picks Matt up not caring he is covered in puke he was so worried about him and knew Matt needed him at the moment.

"N-Nicky I-I feel gross!" Matt cries, shaking in Nick's arms as they walk into the bathroom together,Nick frowns looking at his younger brother. "I know bub,relax for me get in the shower and get cleaned up then we can cuddle after I clean up the room but for now you can be in my room after your shower sound good?" Nick says looking at Matt as he hands him a towel and washcloth.

Matt nods sniffling and calms down a little hearing Nick's comforting voice as he takes the things he needs from Nick with a small smile.

Nick smiles and walks out of the bathroom closing the door behind him as he goes and cleans Matt's room up as Chris grabs some fresh bed sheets and blankets for Matt's bed along with new pillow cases

About 40 minutes later and Matt's room was all cleaned up and ready to sleep in,Matt was out of the shower feeling so much better his belly felt way better and he was so thankful to have his brothers with him he honestly didn't know what he would do without them.

They decided to watch power rangers and just have a sleepover together in Matt's room since now it was the cleanest room in the house.they all fell back asleep around 5am and slept for the whole day not even caring about anything going on in the world.they didn't usually sleep like this but Matt was sick all night long and literally threw up everywhere around 3am so they were all exhausted from that and just decided to have a lazy day and cuddle while watching movies all day.

Third request is done I really hope you like it thanks so much for the love on my book !!

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Requests are closed for now because I have a lot of requests to finish 💜


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