Calm Down;

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Request from: Readerdsmp
can you do one where chris has adhd and needs help calming down and focusing

-lots of fluff tbh

{Third POV}

Chris was currently running around outside and laughing while chasing a squirrel around. He was having the time of his life in their backyard. He felt like a little kid again and it felt amazing.

He didn't even notice Matt and Nick were staring at him through the sliding glass door on their patio trying to understand how he has so much energy right now.

Nick and Matt on the other hand were extremely exhausted from traveling around all day but Chris was bouncing off the walls with energy.

Matt sighs and walks outside to where Chris was and tries to get his attention waving his arms around but Chris is too busy chasing a butterfly now.

"CHRISTOPHER OWEN STURNIOLO COME HERE!" Matt yells getting annoyed and Chris jumps turning around to look at Matt and slowly walks up to him.

"Sorry,yes matty?" Chris whispers pulling at his bracelet feeling bad now,Matt's face instantly softens when he sees Chris pull at his bracelet and he opens his arms.

"It's alright sweetheart, I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just exhausted. Can you please come inside and chill with me and Nick ?" Matt says sweetly and Chris smiles nodding and walks into Matt's arms giving him a hug as Matt squeezes him tight.

Matt smiles ruffling Chris' fluffy brown hair as he lets go and they both walk inside,Matt couldn't stay mad at his little brother for long and that was very obvious. I mean who could be?

Chris runs over to the couch when they get inside Matt locks the door behind them and walks over to where Chris was sitting next to him on the couch as he yawns and rubs his eyes softly with his fists.

Nick walks over soon after and takes a seat on the other side of Chris grabbing the remote off of the coffee table in front of the couch leaning back to get comfortable turning his head towards Matt and Chris smiling.

"How about we have a movie night since it's already 3pm?" Nick suggests and Matt smiles nodding, "that sounds amazing, what about you Chris, are you interested?" Matt asks and Chris nods smiling as well, "fuck yay that sounds great to me!" He replies,Nick and Matt smile and Nick scrolls through Disney plus since he was really in the mood for a classic Disney movie.

Chris snuggles close to Nick as Matt snuggles up to Chris since he was in the middle of both him and Nick. They enjoyed each other's company and wouldn't trade it for the world. They were all snuggled up under a warm fuzzy blanket watching the goofy movie.

About 20 minutes into the movie Chris was sound asleep between his brothers with soft snores escaping his mouth Matt and nick smiled and carefully turned off the tv snuggling up to him since he was warm and it was super dark out already they decided to call it a night and just cuddle while Matt fell asleep shortly after Chris then nick did the same thing.

They were all relaxed and had the best sleep they have had in weeks. They all needed this and knew it was long overdue. They didn't care about anything going on in the world because at that moment everything was great, nothing bothered them and they felt safer than ever in each other's arms.

This is my 10th Request hope you liked it!!

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