You Have Powers?!;

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🧡-Request from; Tanya0211399 Can you do one like Chris has eleven type superpowers in the modern day of age and has to hide them? There in highschool btw

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🧡-Request from; Tanya0211399
Can you do one like Chris has eleven type superpowers in the modern day of age and has to hide them? There in highschool btw

💜-Tw: swearing,overthinking,i don't think there are any more Tw but just in case there is, here is just a general Tw :) it's honestly pretty straightforward not gonna lie.

💙-Disclaimer: lots of fluff at the end,also I'm sorry if there are any spelling errors or mistakes!

{Third POV}

Chris has been very distant lately,he has been hiding a huge secret from everyone.Matt and Nick didn't even know about what he was hiding and that was saying a lot because he told them literally everything.

He was in the middle of getting ready for school. It was his senior year,it was something he waited for his enter life. He was almost done with this hell hole that was called school and he couldn't wait to just be done with it and stay home all day away from society because people annoyed him.

Chris finally finished up after 30 minutes and walked downstairs keep his face to the floor not making eye contact with anyone as he walked into the kitchen to make a bagel with cream cheese while grabbing a Pepsi to drink as well,Nick and Matt watched him do his tasks debating on if they should speak or not,Chris hasn't really been acting like himself since what happened 4 months ago.

Matt took a deep breath and finally got the courage to speak to his younger brother,he was very worried about him. They haven't spoken in weeks.Nick felt the same way but was still scared to say anything. He felt so bad for Chris since the accident but he just wanted his funny and energetic little brother back.

"Chris,are you okay?" Matt whispers, feeling his heart racing out of his chest. He didn't expect what happened next and honestly it surprised both him and Nick.

Chris looked over at Matt and slowly walked up to both Matt and Nick pulling them both into a tight hug as he felt his body trembling from all the stress and anxiety from overwhelming thoughts of the secret he was hiding from everybody in his life.

He was honestly so exhausted from it he felt his knees buckle falling into both of his brothers as he sobbed his little heart out in their arms,Matt frowned as he ran his fingers through his younger brothers hair just letting him cry in his arms,Nick rubbed his back and frowned as well feeling so bad for him in this very moment.

"Aww,Sweetheart what is it?" Nick whispers, still rubbing Chris' back softly as Matt plays with his hair trying to get him to calm down since he was starting to lose his breath from crying so hard.

Matt looked at Chris adding into the conversation with Nick, "you know you can always tell us anything we won't judge you Christopher in fact we want to help you we love and care about you so much,please just tell us it's clear to everyone in this room that something is bothering you from the way you are crying right now! You know that right?"

Chris looked up at both of them and took a deep breath calming down a little as he hiccuped softly and rubbed his eyes. "Y-yes I know b-but what if you guys don't want to be around me because of this ..." Nick looked at Chris and frowned, seeing true fear in his younger brother's eyes it broke his heart into pieces seeing him like this.

"Chris,we aren't going anywhere I promise!" Nick spoke in a soft tone. It was full of reassurance and love for his younger brother,Matt smiled, feeling the love in the room as it flowed around them in so much warmth and happiness.

Chris smiled softly feeling the warmth from his words,he took a deep breath and grabbed both of his brothers hands into his own, holding them tight as he kept eye contact with them.

"I have powers.. I can't explain how it happened but it did, I can change my reality and go into the past if I really wanted to. I can change anything that happens around me and really kick someone's ass if I really want to!"

Chris explains with a big smile on his face feeling all the overwhelming feelings leave his body,Nick and Matt stare at him with wide eyes,their eyes both completely dilated as they take in all this new information of their younger brother.

"HOLY SHIT THATS COOL AS FUCK!" Matt yells getting super excited as he pulls him into a hug making Chris giggle as he hugs him back.

"YOU ARE BASICALLY 11 OFF OF STRANGER THINGS?!" Nick yells squealing as he jumps up and down in excitement,making Chris and Matt burst into laughter,Nick just kept smiling watching them laugh.He loved making them laugh it always made him so happy,and clearly it lightened up the mood because Chris wasn't crying anymore.

"Nick that was funny as fuck,but I guess you could say that I never looked at it like that but it does kinda fit the concept I guess" Chris continues the conversation as he smiles ruffling his hair,Nick smiles feeling accomplished with himself.

"I'm glad I could lighten the mood. I hate seeing you cry Chris,me and Matt love you with our whole heart. We could never be scared of you or want you away from us!!" Nick continues the conversation with a genuine smile on his face as Matt also adds into the discussion.

"Yeah Chris, did you really think you could get rid of us that easily? We love you with our whole heart, we aren't a trio without our Chrissy bear!" Matt smiles looking at Chris as he sees tears in his eyes again,Chris rushed up to Nick and Matt and pulled them both into another big hug,he was truly so grateful that he had such amazing brothers that loved and supported him no matter what.

Nick and Matt smile and wrap their arms around him tightly forming a group hug,they all truly needed this moment. They knew no Matter what happened they would always have each other,and honestly it was really bad ass that Chris had super powers. Nick already had a list of people he wanted Chris to go after and we'll Matt he just wanted to watch from afar and laugh about it later.

After about 20 minutes of just talking about his super powers they realized they were already 3 hrs late for school and just decided to stay home for the day and see what type of things Chris could do with his powers,they spent the rest of the day just having fun and being goofballs together.

Thank you so much for the request. I hope this is what you had in mind!! Sorry it took so long to post!! This is my 33rd request!!

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Thank you again for all the love on my book I really appreciate you guys so much,Let me know how you like it in the comments!! I'm excited to see your reactions!!


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