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Request from: Lau_sturn34
Can you do one based on the story where Nick and Chris were trapped in the fire and Nick kinda had Trauma of something idk just something based on that

Tw: crying, mentions of fire,ptsd
-lots of fluff tho!

{Third POV}

Nick was hanging out with Chris and Matt in the kitchen just talking about old times. They were so caught up in the conversation Matt actually slipped up and mentioned something about the fire from a few years back and he instantly slapped his hand over his mouth and his eyes widened.

Chris and Nick froze in their spots getting flashbacks of that horrible night and nicks lip starts to quiver tearing up as he starts shaking and covering his eyes. "M-make it s-stop!" He cries as Chris starts crying along with Nick making Matt feel like a complete asshole.

"Oh fuck im so sorry i didnt mean to trigger you guys!" He says frowning as he goes to hug Chris and Nick softly they gladly accept the hug and snuggle up to Matt sniffling.

Matt rubs their backs softly sighing as he watches them both calm down a little. Chris rubs his eyes, yawning as Nick does the same thing as he carefully sits up and looks at Matt.

"Can we watch a movie?" Nick whispers, kinda calm now and Matt nods with a smile "of course we can ill even order your guys favorite snacks" he replies and Chris gets excited making Nick laugh. "Wooo!" Chris says, making Nick and Matt laugh.

They all settled into Matt's room since it was the closest and he turned on his tv letting Nick pick out the movie since he was way more upset then Chris and Chris understood that so he just cuddled next to Nick making him smile as Matt ordered everything he wanted then got into bed as well getting comfortable.

They all decided to watch the Lego Batman movie because it was hilarious and they all needed a good laugh.10 minutes later the food and snacks arrived and they all just spent the rest of the night laughing and eating way too much junk food.

This was a night no one was ever gonna forget. They had such a fun and comfortable night together just building pillow forts and laughing till their sides hurt. They knew nothing would ever come between them and they all loved each other so much.

They were happy to be alive and just glad none of them got seriously hurt when that fire did happen months ago. The only things they lost were stuff that was replaceable even if it did suck since it was their childhood home.

After all the fun they finally fell asleep wrapped in blankets while the movie played in the background and the fan blew cold air into the room to keep them all cooled down from wrestling and just playing around.

They slept amazing that night and woke up the next day feeling so much better Matt knew he was gonna have to make up for it and just decided to let them buy whatever they wanted off of his credit card.

Chris got a whole bunch of Lyrical lemonade stuff and Nick got a whole bunch of merch from his favorite singers Matt didn't mind it though he would do anything for his brothers if it meant it would make them smile because he loved seeing them happy.


This is my 11th request I hope you liked it I tried to make it cute

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