Shark Attack;

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Request from: Thedirty0mlet
Can u do one where Chris gets bit by a shark

-Tw: blood,shark attack,hospital,swearing,blood loss.

-Fluff at the end because Chris deserves it after being attacked by a shark that poor kid 😭 (Shouldn't have messed with the shark team (aka Matt) he knew about his mattitude 🤣😭😂 🦈💙 #GoTeamBlue!! Sksks okay I'll stop let's get to the story 🥹😂💙!!

The Stromboli Triplets were currently getting ready to go to their beach house for a couple of days they have had their bags packed for over a month just so they could run out the door when the time comes and get to the airport on time since they had to be there at 8am,which meant they all had to be in bed around 9pm which was asking a lot for them  because they usually stayed up for hours.

"Chris make sure you have everything you need because I'm not trying to run around at the last minute like the last time!" Matt says looking at his younger brother who was completely unbothered by Matt's complaints.

"Yeah yeah Matt I know I have everything, no need to start nagging!" Chris snorts as Matt just rolls his eyes, hitting Chris in the arm.

"Chris, I'm being serious! You already know how Nick is when we travel. He gets stressed over every little thing and I'm trying to keep him from completely cussing you out Christopher Owen!" Matt crosses his arms giving him a serious look not even laughing because Chris should know this by now.

"Well Matthew Bernard,I promise you I have everything!! please have faith in me for once?" Chris says looking back at his brother with big puppy eyes as
he stuck his lip out pouting putting his pinky out for a pinky promise.

"Alright fine I trust you please don't make me regret this.." Matt sighs in defeat and puts his pinky out wrapping it around Chris' finger making him smile and Matt just smiles back finally giving in to Chris. As Chris goes downstairs with the biggest smile.

Matt chuckles watching the younger triplet run away as he makes his way down to his room and Matt makes his way up to his room with a smile on his face he knew Chris was a handful but he wouldn't change it for the world he loved his brothers with all his heart.


They all made it safely to the beach house getting unpacked and settled in for the next couple of days. Honestly Chris couldn't wait to go to the water. He has been thinking about this for a month and now that it's finally here he couldn't help but have the biggest smile.

Nick grabs his swimming trunks along with Matt and Chris doing the same thing Chris couldn't help but giggle grabbing all of their towels while making their way to the beach.

"LAST ONE IN THE WATER IS ROTTEN EGG!" Chris yells laughing as Matt just laughs and rolls his eyes chasing after Chris,Nick rolls his eyes walking calmly behind the two. "I'm not breaking my neck just to get in this water that's freezing cold!" Nick sasses sitting up their spots on the beach.

Matt laughs hearing Nick. "Of course you aren't Nicky!" Matt says sliding off his shirt and Sandals,Chris whines taking off his shirt and Sandals as well. "Matty hurry upppp!" He says dragging Matt to the water as Nick just sits on one of the beach chairs soaking up the hot sun.

"Okay okay i'm coming Chris calm down!" Matt says laughing as he is being dragged by his younger brother into the water,he shivers feeling the coldness against his skin as Chris just laughs and splashes him causing Matt to scream when it splashes against him.

"CHRISTOPHER OWEN!" Matt yells tackling Chris into the water making him laugh even harder as he wrestles around with him they soon calmed down and went separate ways to explore more scenery, and try to find some seashells to take home to Boston for their mom since she loved seashells.

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