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Request from: Zaneyypoo
ok so they're on tour and nick has ADHD so he's like constantly moving around but he can't help it and he's also a little sick and when he's sick he really wants to hug everyone or hold hands with people so he just kinda is very tired the whole day on stage and wanting to hug his brothers but because they're on stage he doesn't wanna make them uncomfortable and they kinda notice his a little weird behavior and ask him about it when they're in the bus or something so he tells them and so they are just being affectionate the rest of the night and because they have to the next day they promise him that they will hug him sometime the next day

-lots of fluff just saying that now

TW: sick,swearing,arguing.

{Third POV }

Nick was currently not feeling the best, and when he didn't feel the best, he really wanted to just hold hands or just cuddle. He's been like that since he was a child.

But he knew he couldn't do that at the moment because he was currently on stage playing games with his brothers and some fans,honestly he tried his hardest to hide he was sick but you could easily tell from the dark circles under his eyes and his Rosie cheeks from being really overheated.

The show went on well till the end he was trying so hard to keep his eyes open he was getting really irritable and anxious as the time passed it felt like forever but they were finally off stage and in their tour bus.

Chris and Matt would be lying if they didn't admit they were worried about their older brother,they could see him fidget around and pull at his shirt sometimes when they were on stage and sometimes they would catch him staring at them with sad eyes that quickly went to smile when they made eye contact,they honestly didn't think much of it till nick hugged Chris for a little longer then he was supposed too.

Chris had to tell him to let go and he felt bad but they were in the middle of fan photos and the fan really wanted a hug from Chris,Nick was kinda salty about it but he didnt let it show he just said sorry and the whole photo part of the show went by great.

They were now just trying to figure out how to talk to nick without getting him upset since he was sick and irritable right now and truly all he wanted was to be held but his brothers needed to know what was bothering him they decided to wait till they were all in their pjs and comfort to confront him.

About 30 minutes passed and they decided now was the right time to ask since Nick was comfortable on the nice comfy couch they had in the tour bus,Chris sat on his left while Matt sat on his right they both grabbed one of his hands and that made him look at both of them.

"Yes?" Nick says softly looking at his little brothers as he smiled softly at them sniffling since he had a stuffy nose.

"Nicky what happened on stage earlier? Matt says calmly as Chris looks at Nick as well "Yeah,We noticed you fidget around and get mad about certain things" Chris adds whispering as he watches Nick's face go from happy to sad.

"I-i don't feel good a-and all i wanted was a hug or to just hold your hand and it fucking sucked because we were on stage so I couldn't" nick says crying as the words escape his mouth,Matt frowns pulling him into a hug ,Chris wraps his arms around nick as well rubbing his back as Matt played with his hair.

"Aww Nick!" Chris says frowning as his brother cries feeling horrible about what happened. "Well you have all of our attention now we don't have another show for a few days so we can cuddle as much as you want!" Matt says hugging him tight and he hiccups looking at them both.

"r-really?" Nick says with a smile and they both nod smiling at him. "Of course!" Chris and Matt say at the same time earning a laugh from Nick as he cuddles up with them on the couch.

"How about we just chill and listen to music till we fall asleep? Chris says yawning since his adrenaline rush went away,Matt nods along with Nick too tired to say anything else they all knew just how much they loved each other and knew it would be a better day tomorrow for them.

They all fell asleep listening to soft music in the background as they were all cuddled up in each other's arms under fluffy blankets with a fan running in the background.they were so grateful they had each other Nick felt better the next morning which was fantastic they all decided to have a brothers day and do all their favorite things together.

This is my 9th request hope you loved it!!

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