You aren't Alone;

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🦈Request: 1_th1nk_1_n33d_h3lp
Could you do one where Matt starts to sh on his upper legs and his brothers find out after they saw blood staining his jeans/pants.

💜Tw:self harm,Blood,very serious topics in this story I hope you guys enjoy and I'm so sorry if this triggers anyone just know you aren't alone ily!! I have been clean for  9 year's now ❤️‍🩹

💙-Fluff at the end

🧡- sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or errors!

{Third POV}

Matt wasn't acting like himself he was more distant than ever,Chris and Nick started to notice after a while and let's just say they were really concerned they noticed just how much Matt has changed in the last couple of months he barely ever goes out anymore and when he does it's only to film a car video he hasn't really been out of the house or even doing actually actives he usually just wants to stay in his room and listen to music or just sleep.

Chris decided to check on him because honestly he missed hanging out with Matt outside of the house and he had a fun idea of going to a carnival and just hanging out with friends that were basically like family to them he didn't really wanna go alone even though Nick was going it still felt incomplete without Matt so he decided to include him.

He made it up to Matt's room and knocked on the door softly. He heard a lot of movement in the room like Matt was hiding something but he just knocked anyway. "Matty? Are you awake kid?" Chris asked, knocking on the door gently so he didn't scare him if he was doing something important.

Matt jumped hearing Chris outside of his door he quickly hid the razors in his nightstand and pulled up his sweatpants wincing a little at the fabric brushing against his new cuts on his thighs he took a deep breath and stood up walking carefully to the door and opened it looking at Chris with a smile he was clearly forcing. He honestly didn't want Chris to worry about him because he felt like he didn't deserve love or comfort of any sort he just kept everything bottled up on the inside because why would he trouble his brothers with his own problems.

Chris looked at him smiling as he pulled Matt into a hug tightly,Matt tried so hard not to tear up in that very moment because he knew if Chris knew what he was doing just moments before he knocked on the door his heart would break and that would destroy Matt even more because he never wanted to hurt his brothers like that,Matt hugged him just as tight as he laid his head on Chris' shoulder.

"I love you bud,I was wondering if you wanted to come to a carnival with me,Nick,and a couple of old friends tonight we are leaving around 4pm,that's if you are down?" Chris says while rubbing Matt's back gently since they were still hugging.

Matt mentally cursed because he knew if he said no Chris would just beg him to come with them and he honestly didn't want Chris to start to catch on to what he was doing because clearly he hasn't been out as much and he knew that was bothering both of his brothers so he reluctantly agreed forcing a smile and he pulled out of the hug with Chris seeing his eyes light up when he seen Matt agreeing to come out with them tonight.

"Of course I'll go" Matt says still forcing a smile and Chris cheered yelling as he hugged Matt one more time while ruffling his hair making Matt chuckle softly at how excited his younger brother was it truly made him so happy when Chris and Nick were happy but other then that he could care less about anything else.

"Ahhh I can't wait, imma go get ready now! See you at the door at 3:30pm!" Chris yells running away leaving Matt there just smiling sweetly at his brother his smile completely faded away when Chris wasn't in sight anymore.

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