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💜-Requests from: Larri6ox
Can you do one where Matt is really sensitive like yelling makes him cry so one day he gets really sleepy while holding his pug in Nick's room and he just wanted hugs from Nick but he was busy,so Matt went into his room upset instead.but then Chris came in comforting him with cuddles, and then after a while Nick joined them with snacks to make up from earlier and they all end up just having a fun night together instead?

💙-Lots of fluff! Sorry for any errors or spelling mistakes!! Thank you for the request and I'm sorry it took so long. Thanks for being so patient with me. I hope you enjoy it!! Comment whatcha think!!

🧡-TW: nothing really just arguing and some swearing but other than that it's just a cute  story!

{Third POV}

Nick was currently in the middle of editing a video for Wednesday when he heard a small knock at the door followed by a sniffle.He sighed turning around from his laptop on his desk and looked over at his door seeing Matt standing there with a blanket around his shoulders with dry tear stains and swollen eyes from crying.

Matt looked at Nick sniffling as he walked up to him,keeping his pug close to him since he was scared and heard really loud sounds coming from outside. Nick stared at Matt as he got closer to him sitting on the edge of Nick's bed with his blanket wrapped around him since he was cold.

"C-Can I-i stay here with you? a-and cuddle I-I'm too scared to go back in my room" Matt stutters out pulling at his stuffed animal as he tries not to cry just staring at his older brother not wanting to be alone because he was truly terrified right now.

Nick takes a deep breath debating on what to do in his head.He has so much to do in such little time he knew he couldn't just put it aside and honestly he felt bad but he had to finish the editing it was their job after all.

"Look Matt,I hate to be like this but I'm busy right now..could you go cuddle with Chris instead..please?" Nick says as sweetly as possible, sighing as he runs his fingers through his blonde hair clearly frustrated.

"O-okay s-sorry for bothering won't happen again.."
Matt whispers feeling his heart break.He didn't even give Nick a chance to respond; he just ran out of his room and didn't look back. Nick sat there in disbelief as he watched his brother run out and slam the door behind him making his frames on the wall shake and almost fall off the wall.


Matt was curled up in the middle of his bed with his pug wrapped in his arms as he just cried his little heart out.He Felt like such a burden to his brothers at this very moment.He was honestly embarrassed about his fear of loud sounds and unnecessary screaming.

He didn't realize someone was in his room until he felt the bed dip and someone wrap their arms around him tightly,Matt took a deep breath and opened his eyes sniffling as he seen Chris was the one holding him,his body went from being tense to relaxed as soon he made eye contact with his little brother.

Chris looked down at Matt and smiled sweetly at him as he rubbed Matt's back gently letting him follow his breathing since Matt was in the middle of an anxiety attack.He smiled softly back following Chris' breathing the best he could, Matt slowly felt his heart rate slow down finally about to catch his breath as Chris smiled at him proudly.

"Good job Matty you did so good!" Chris says making Matt sit up as he smiled sniffling and rubbing his eyes with his sleeves gently. "T-thank you Chris" He whispers, finally somewhat calmer than he was earlier.

"Of course Matt,now tell me what's wrong?" Chris looks at Matt waiting for an answer as Matt takes a deep breath looking at him trying to find the words to say without sounding stupid.

"W-well i was sleeping and i heard a lot sound come from outside my window s-so i jumped up and ran into Nick's room because he was the closest to me a-and he said he was busy and to go cuddle with you instead but I felt like i was being annoying so like i just came back in my room instead..i know i sound stupid and you are probably gonna make fun of me now.."

Matt mumbles the last part looking down as Chris frowns lifting Matt's chin up so he could make eye contact again,it truly broke his heart knowing his brother thought his fear was stupid and that he thought Chris and Nick were just gonna make fun of him but that wasn't the case at all.

"No,No Matt I would never make fun of you over something that is seriously taking a toll on your life,honestly I'm gonna be here to help you get over that fear in all honesty because I love you matty please know you can come to me for anything that bothers you."

Chris says looking at Matt with tears in his eyes as well not able to hide just how much it hurt him to hear his brother say those things,and think they are true. Matt looked at Chris and hugged him tightly, unable to explain just how happy that made him just hearing those words come out of his little brother's mouth.

Chris hugged back tightly and they stayed like that for a little while longer until they jumped pulling away from each other when they both heard a knock on Matt's door. They looked over seeing Nick standing there with a whole bunch of snacks and their favorite drinks with a soft smile on his face as he made his way over to Chris and Matt taking a seat next to them both.

"I know i was rude to you earlier but just know i'm sorry and i should have put your feelings first over a stupid video I love you Matt and i heard everything you said to Chris and you aren't stupid or weird for having a few of sounds/screaming your emotions are valid and just like Chris said we are both gonna be here for you Matt no matter what could you ever forgive me?"

Matt and Chris both look at Nick with a smile as they both tackle him into a hug making Nick smile and laugh holding them close, "of course I can nick i love you so much and I understand i could never stay mad at my Nicky bear!" Matt says making Nick laugh even more as Chris joined in laughing as well. Matt was happy to have both of his brothers by his side. He felt so loved in this very moment.

"How about we have movie night?" Nick suggested still laughing between words as he looked at Chris and Matt with a hopeful smile.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Chris shouts and covers his mouth, chuckling from how loud he got,Matt just smiles ruffling Chris' hair as he nods. "Sure Nicky what do you have in mind?" Matt adds into the conversation as he smiles sitting on the left side of his older brother while Chris sat on his right side smiling as well.

"Uhhh how about we watch The Princess and The Frog?" Nick asks, grabbing the remote off the nightstand as he gets comfortable pulling a blanket over all three of them in the process as he smiles.

"Sounds good to me,what about you Matt ?" Chris whispers looking over at him,Matt looks over and smiles nodding his head."Sounds like a plan,pass me the popcorn!" Matt laughs agreeing with both of his brothers as Chris just chuckles and hands him the popcorn.

Nick smiles and starts the movie then leans over putting the remote back on the nightstand snuggling back up to his brothers as he wraps his arms around the both of them since he was in the middle,they both smile and cuddle closer to one another.

They stayed like that for a while just enjoying each other's company and relating to different parts of the movie making each other laugh.

Honestly Matt was truly happy in this very moment.He felt all of his anxiety and overwhelming thoughts leave his body,it was like a breath of fresh air and it honestly felt amazing.

About two hrs passed and they were sound asleep wrapped in each other's arms without a care in the world. They slept better than they had in the last couple of days.

They knew from this day forward they would always have each other to lean on and nothing would ever come between them as long as they had each other.


This is my 22nd request. I hope you enjoyed it!! Sorry it took so long!

Comment,Vote,and Follow for more updates!!

Happy Holidays/Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate it be safe and have a wonderful day guys all the love as always!!


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