Please Wake up;

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Request by: drasstia
Can you do one where Matt faints on the stage due to stress/fatigue/malnutrition ?

Tw: fainting,blood,stitches,hospital stuff,just trigger warning in general if I missed anything else 💙

-fluff at the end as always 💜

{Third POV}

Matt woke up around 11 am feeling horrible. He hadn't really gotten a lot of sleep in the last few days, maybe 3 to 4 hrs during the night which isn't enough for an adult.

He ruffled his hair and that caused him to get the biggest migraine he groaned squeezing his eyes shut as he held his head in his hands trying not to cry.

Matt tried to open his eyes again but his vision was so blurry and it hurt so bad when the light from the window hit his eyes he decided to just lay back down hoping that would ease the pain and surprisingly it did.

He knew he had to get ready to go on stage in 3 hrs but he really felt like shit all he wanted to do was curl up and cuddle with his stuffed pug that he brought with him from California.

They were all currently in Florida for the final show of the tour. Honestly it went so fast and it felt like it literally just started. Matt was sad but happy because that meant he could go back home to his room instead of random hotels every night.

After about 30 minutes he decided to sit up again, this time doing so very slowly so he didn't hurt his head again. He somehow managed to get out of his bunk and carefully stand up catching his balance a little as he held onto the wall.

He knew today was gonna be a long day especially since he felt like complete shit from barely sleeping and it doesn't help that because he is barely sleeping it's making him nauseous in the morning so he doesn't really eat either which isn't good at all and he knows that but he is afraid of throwing up i mean who wouldn't be?? It's horrible.

Matt finally managed to get up and take a shower to get ready for the show tonight. He was finally all ready in a simple pair of blue sweats along with a blue t-shirt that had a shark on it and finally walked into the center of the bus seeing Nick and Chris watching tv.

"H-Hey guys!" Matt whispers stuttering a little as he waved at Chris and Nick as they looked from the tv and over at Matt with concerned faces. Hearing him stutter made them really worried because he only did that when he wasn't feeling good or if he hadn't had sleep.

"Matt, are you okay, kid? Nick says sitting up more to give him his full attention as Matt sat next to him.Chris shifts a little and turns towards Matt as well. "What's going on?" Chris says looking at them both with worried eyes as Matt just looks down at his lap biting his lip trying not to cry.nick frowned seeing Matt's lip quivering and pulled him into his arms softly rubbing his back and that made Matt instantly break down into tears.

"Aww Matty!" Nick says frowning as Matt just sobs into his shirt, his emotions taking over not being able to talk as Chris looks at them both grabbing his phone. "I'm gonna text Laura Matt can't go out like th-" before Chris could finish his sentence Matt shot up and out of nicks arms "n-no please I can't let the fans down!" He cried pleading with Chris not to call Laura because he knew this would just upset everyone and he would get hate. He didn't want Chris sighed giving in and put his phone down. "Fine I won't but I swear if anything happens tonight we are leaving I don't care your health comes first Matthew!" Chris says with a stern voice, looking at both of his brothers. Nick nods, and Matt nods softly, understanding Chris was serious.

"T-thank you Chris!" Matt whispers sniffling as he calmed down a little while sitting down again. Chris knew this was a bad idea. He had a gut feeling something was gonna happen tonight but he tried to stay positive about it and just let it happen hoping he was wrong but sadly he wasn't. He would just find out the hard way which really sucked either way you looked at it.

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