Upset Stomach;

999 11 4

🧡-Request from: lydraine
Could you do one where Chris gets sick in public and gets really embarrassed and upset, then love and flufffff, only if your comfortable :)

💙-Tw; Puke and lots of swearing

💜-Lots of Fluff!! Hope you enjoy it!!sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or errors! I went over it like 10 times just to make sure but if I missed anything I'm sorry !!

{Third POV}

It was currently 12pm on a Saturday and The Stromboli Triplets were planning out their day. They decided to go to Target since they haven't been to one in a while. It was a change of scenery and sounded like a fun thing to do on a Saturday afternoon,I mean who wouldn't want to go to Target? They had so many great things to get!! I mean they have Starbucks in there too who wouldn't want Starbucks?!.

Matt grabbed his keys and wallet and headed for the door since he was already dressed and ready for the day.He put on his white Air Forces,and made sure to grab a jacket since it was freezing outside.He hated getting cold.

"MATT I CAN'T FIND MY WALLET!" Chris yells as he runs around the house like a chicken with his head cut off,Nick just laughs watching. "You can never find your wallet whenever we go anywhere, just admit you don't wanna pay for stuff!" Matt sasses back at him rolling his eyes. Chris glared at him and flicked him off still looking around for his wallet.

"Alrighty since I know this is gonna take a while, come get me when you find it. I'm gonna be in my room cause I don't feel like standing here and waiting for Chris to get a grip on life" Nick says and rolls his eyes walking to his room and slamming the door.

Matt just laughs and watches Chris run around as he leaned against the counter crossing his arms over his chest finding humor in his younger brother's stupidity.

"Come on Chris you knew we were going to Target and suddenly you "forget" where your wallet is?" He says sarcastically as he does air quotations with his fingers.

"Oh shut the fuck up Matthew! either help me find it or go somewhere since you wanna ask stupid questions instead of being helpful!" Chris sasses back glaring at him as he throws stuff around getting more frustrated by the minute because Matt really wasn't helping with his stupid remarks.

10 minutes go by and Nick peaks his head out of his room looking at both of his brothers "did he find it yet?" Matt looks over at him and shakes his head. "Clearly not if he is still throwing a tantrum like a literal toddler and screaming because he "lost" his precious little wallet!" Chris groaned loudly and screamed getting completely fed up with Matt at this point.


Nick's eyes widened seeing Chris' face a bright red as he clenched his jaw staring at both of them, his fists clenched as well. Matt gasped and stared at him as well not knowing what to say at that very moment.

Nick walked over to Matt as Chris ran away to his room and slammed the door so hard the frames on the wall started to shake.Matt looked at Nick then rubbed his face groaning,he knew it was Gonna be a long day and it was only 12:30pm.

"Let's just let him cool off and we can try again later. Maybe he really did lose his wallet this time.." Nick suggested looking at Matt who was clearly overwhelmed with everything that just happened.

"Alright Nick .. I'm just gonna go lay down. Hopefully this all blows over in a few hours and we can all just hang out and have a chill day together..I love you and I'll see you in a little while..." Matt says in agreement giving Nick a hug before they both go their separate ways just hoping for the best.

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