Online Bullies;

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Request from: hornswaggled
maybe one were matts regressed and he gets bullied either online or by someone in public?

-lots of fluff and this is my first age regression chapter. I hope you guys like it! Matt is gonna be regressed to the age of 5 in this chapter :)

Tw: bullying,swearing,and age regression if you don't like these types of stories you can skip the chapter sorry if it triggers anyone this is just fan fiction!!! I know Matt isn't like this in real life.

-sorry if there is any spelling errors or mistakes!

{Third POV}

Matt was currently playing with his stuffed animals on his bed watching Disney plus while Nick and Chris were downstairs making lunch he was smiling as his favorite part of Mickey Mouse came on he held his stuffed animals close to him just humming along to the music.

Chris walked upstairs to where Matt was and smiles seeing him just watching tv and holding his animals he walked over to the bed sitting next him.

"Hey bud, are you ready for lunch?" Chris says with a smile ruffling Matt's hair. "Yeah im ready Chrissy" Matt giggles and stands up grabbing his brothers hand as he follows Chris downstairs to the kitchen where Nick was finishing up their plates.

Chris sat Matt down at the table letting him hold his stuffed animal still and put a napkin in front of him so he wouldn't get food down his shirt and Matt smiled eating his food while he hummed.

Nick was watching him eat and just chuckled seeing him in such a happy mood he had a feeling Matt was regressed to the age of 5 because of how much anxiety he has been experiencing for the last few days and honestly he didn't mind one bit he would rather Matt be like this then crying.

About 10 minutes passed and Matt was getting sleepy. Chris noticed him rubbing his eyes a couple of times as he  tried so hard to keep them open,Chris cood opening his arms. "You sleepy bub?" He whispers and Matt nods, going into Chris' arms as he picks him up holding him close, Matt instantly falls asleep hearing Chris' heartbeat. Nick smiled taking a picture of them both cause it was adorable.

Chris decided to take Matt back to his room for his nap and carefully tried to lay him on the bed but Matt clung to him more as he pouted. "N-No want Chrissy!" He whines and Chris just coos and holds him tight laying down with him as he rubbed his back gently Matt instantly fell asleep to the sound of Chris' heartbeat again and Chris couldn't help but smile.

After a while Nick came into the room frowning as he showed Chris all the hate comments Matt was getting on their recent podcast all because Matt was holding his teddy bear the whole time.

Chris frowned looking down at Matt, sound asleep on his chest he couldn't understand how people were so mean to him when he was the sweetest person ever he felt so much anger he just wanted to protect his brother from the world but he knew Matt would see those comments and it made him so sad knowing that but honestly Matt already seen all of them and that's the reason Matt was in a little space but Chris didn't know that.

"Why are people such ass holes!" Nick huffs locking his phone and siting it on the nightstand next to the bed,Chris sighed shrugging."I honestly don't know Nick but Matt doesn't deserve it" Nick nods frowning as he watched Matt sleep peacefully in Chris' arms they honestly prepared themselves for when matt woke up because they didn't know what to expect especially when Matt was coming out of his little space.

After a few hours of Chris and Nick talking Matt finally woke up and rubbed his eyes as he sat up honestly confused on why he was in Chris' arms in the middle of the day and he moved away looking down at his bracelets as he sighed,Nick looked over seeing Matt finally awake since Chris was sound asleep still not even noticing Matt's movements.

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