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Request from: Sparkler2020 Maybe a sickfic where Chris has appendicitis and needs surgery? With a lot of comfort and fluff fromNick and Matt :)

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Request from: Sparkler2020
Maybe a sickfic where Chris has appendicitis and needs surgery? With a lot of comfort and fluff from
Nick and Matt :)

Tw: hospitals,blood,needles,throwing up,surgery,swearing. Just a lot of medical stuff in this chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't know a lot about appendicitis but I hope this is what you had in mind sorry if this isn't accurate I honestly had no idea how to start this. Lots of fluff at the end!! Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or errors!!


Chris wasn't feeling good at all his stomach was killing him,he laid in bed all day long from how bad the pain got at times,he would cry at the slightest movement so he just decided to stay were he was to stop the pain from happening because it was truly torture.

Matt and Nick could tell Chris wasn't feeling good,Nick decided to cancel all of their plans today to stay home and take care of their little brother,little did they know this wasn't just a normal sickness Chris literally couldn't move without throwing up or crying while he held his belly in excruciating pain.

After a while of Chris throwing up and screaming from how bad the pain was Matt and Nick both decided to take Chris to the hospital they both hated seeing their brother in so much pain.they felt helpless when they realized they couldn't get him better on their own but they knew the hospital was the right call.

After about 20 minutes a doctor came into their room to look Chris over he realized right away what was going on what nick and Matt explained in detail what was happening to Chris for the last couple of days,the doctor looked at them and then at Chris frowning a little when he realized just how scared Chris looked sitting on the bench with parchment paper.

" He has appendicitis. I'm glad you got here when you did or this could have been worse than it already is" doctor bailey explained looking between the three boys as they looked at her with concern and fear in their eyes.

Chris' eyes widened as he teared up looking at Matt and Nick with fear written all over his face,Matt's face instantly softened as he approached Chris giving him a comforting hug as he let him cry into his shoulder,Nick joined in on the hug and they stayed like that for a while.

"you will need surgery Mr Sturniolo i will let you guys call who ever you need to but i will be back with paperwork and other forms once you come to a decision because this could be life threatening" dr bailey continues on as nick and Matt look between each other then at the doctor nodding softly as they took all of this information in as Chris just sobbed scared out of his mind.

"Alright thank you" Nick responded since Matt and Chris were to distract to speak right now and with that dr Bailey nodded as she left the room closing the door behind her,Nick looked over and Chris then at Matt as he sighed pulling his phone out so he could inform their parents on what's going on with Chris.

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