Stomach bug;

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Tw: Throw Up.

It was around 12pm and Chris felt like complete shit his stomach was hurting so bad he couldn't even get up off the couch and leaned over in severe pain and wrapped his arms around his stomach trying not to cry from how bad his stomach felt.

Nick looked over seeing his brother leaned over and automatically got worried making his way over to chris. "Bub are you okay??"

He rubbed chris' back softly trying to comfort him but as soon as nick did that chris projectile vomited all over his lap and the floor.

Matt heard it all hit the floor and ran to see what happened as soon as he got to the living room he covered his mouth with his hand trying not to puke himself.

"Oh chrissy.." he whispered as Nick ran to get a towel and other things to take care of him he felt so bad for chris it had to be the food they ate yesterday there was no other logical reason.

Chris started sobbing covered in his own puke he felt so embarrassed and just wanted to disappear."i-im s-so sorry!" he whimpered shaking while matt pouted and wiped his mouth with the towel nick brought back with him and helped him into the bathroom and got the shower ready for him and turned on his favorite songs giving chris space to get in the shower and get cleaned up while nick cleaned up the living room matt made his way to the living room still pouting and helped nick clean up.

"I feel so bad for chrissy Nick when he gets out we gotta give him cuddles and make sure he knows we aren't mad at him he was so upset when i left the bathroom nicky" Matt frowns and nick looks at him frowning as well as he nodded his head in agreement.

"That's a great idea matt ill get blankets and start a movie and i'll grab him some pepsi and belly ache medicine" Nick smiles softly and goes to get everything set up and matt helped him as well making sure everything was comfortable for his little brother.

{20 minutes later}

Chris walked out of the bathroom with just his sweatpants on and a simple white t-shirt with fluffy white socks with Pepsi cans on them and made his way into the living room still feeling bad that Nick and Matt had to clean up his mess.

"I'm really sorry again guys.." Matt and Nick just smiled and opened their arms. "Come here ya big goof ball let's cuddle and watch disney movies!" Chris smiled when he heard Nick say that and jumped in between both Nick and Matt and snuggled up with them.

"I love you guys so much I'm so lucky to have such amazing brothers" Chris whispered with a smile on his face and Matt ruffled his younger brothers hair with a smile as well while Nick held him tight smiling.

"And we love you too!" They both said at the same time which made them all laugh and snuggle up more to one another just enjoying each other's presents.

They enjoyed the rest of the night and had pillow fights and just laughed about random shit while having triplet bonding time as Nick liked to call it.

They were so lucky to have each other and they always made sure they all knew that no matter what happened their bond was unbreakable.

Thanks so much for the love on my book send in requests please 💜💙🧡

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