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Request from: fandomhopper230
Can you do where Matt becomes very withdrawn from everyone. He just spends his time in his room. He doesn't talk to anyone much anymore and avoids everyone. He still does the videos but is quiet. Chris and Nick get worried and after a month of this they force Matt to talk which turns into a yelling match. They think Matt is unwell and Matt insists he's not. eventually Matt breaks down and admits that he's been receiving far more hate messages recently and his mental health has suffered

-Tw: online -harassment,Arguing,depression,
Anxiety,swearing.just a trigger warning in general in case I missed anything!
-Fluff at the end don't worry :)
- sorry if there is any spelling mistakes!

Matt hasn't really had any energy to do a lot lately. He's just been in his room ignoring everyone and hasn't really talked much to his brothers in the last month and they have started to really worry about him. They finally decided to ask him why he hasn't been talking lately during dinner tonight,they just hoped it would all go well,but boy were they in for a rude awakening.

Chris decided to order take out and have it delivered to the house.He got some KFC because it sounded absolutely amazing.20 minutes passed and it was finally at the house he thanked the driver and took it from them going back into the house and closing the door behind him.

"CHICKEN IS HERE!" Chris yells through the house sitting it on the table as Matt and Nick come into the kitchen sitting at the table with Chris. Honestly Matt didn't want to eat or be around anyone but he didn't want to concern Chris and Nick so he just forced a smile on his face and grabbed a few pieces of chicken along with mash potatoes and a biscuit with butter.

Nick smiles doing the same as Chris just rambled on about random shit he had planned for their future car videos and of course Matt joined in making everyone laugh and just focus more on other stuff other than him.

Matt could feel his social battery draining but he forced himself to sit there till either Chris or Nick walked away first so it wasn't obvious he wanted to leave that bad he tried to keep his food down but with every bite he took it just made him nauseous.

Chris and Nick exchanged a look debating on who should start the awkward conversation with Matt first,Chris sighed taking a deep breath knowing Nick was too chicken shit to say anything first,so he reached over and grabbed Matt's hand softly making Matt look at him confused as to why Chris was holding his hand.chris looked at him his eyes softening when he watches Matt tilt his head.

"Matt, me and Nick have noticed how you barely wanna do anything or even talk to us and we just want to know why?" Chris says as sweetly as possible as he held Matt's hand,Matt yanks his hand away and pushes away from the table standing up.

"Why does it matter im just tired was this your guys plan to order chicken and fucking interrogate me!?" Matt says getting even more pissed by the minute,but he wasn't yelling just yet in fact he was talking and clenching his jaw he thought he was being discreet but apparently he wasn't and he mentally facepalmed himself.

"please we just wanna be here for you we aren't trying to be mean or anything we are just worried about your well-being I mean you haven't said a word in videos or us for the last month" Nick adds in as Chris nods in agreement looking at Matt with sad eyes as he notices him pull at his sleeve as if he is fighting back tears.

"All we want to do is comfort you. I have noticed you haven't really been happy or smiling truly lately and it's breaking my heart what happened? Was it the fans? Did we do something?" Chris says watching Matt with a frown on his face.

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