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Fun fact: I actually rewatched the car video at the top just to get that screenshot  because I thought it was funny because Chris looks overwhelmed and triggered by Nick Lmfaooo 😭😂

Request from: lydraine
Can you do one where Chris is really stressed out and breaks down during a car video fluff and love ensues only if you're okay with it :)

Tw: mental breakdown,stress,some cussing like always

-lots of fluff as always at the end though enjoy!

{Third POV}

Matt was in the middle of sitting up the camera for the car video they were filming for Friday. He was making sure the camera was in the right spot and had everyone in the frame.

Nick was scrolling through his phone to find the topic for the video and finally landed on one he really wanted to do,Matt soon got back in the car and turned off the radio making sure everything was just right before they pressed play.

Chris on the other hand was in his own little world he wasn't really doing well mentally he felt like the whole world was against him and honestly his thoughts were becoming too overwhelming. But he didn't wanna ruin the video and make his brothers upset so he just forced a smile and faked a good attitude the whole time.

"Ready to start?" Nick asks from the backseat fixing his hair so it didn't look bad for the video and by fixing it that meant he pushed it back and hoped for the best (honestly same lmao) Matt smiles and ruffles his hair as well. "Yeah let's get this party started!" Matt says with a smile and Nick presses play.


Chris flinches a little hearing Nick screaming obnoxiously in the back seat,Matt notices him flinch but doesn't bring it up because they are recording and he didn't wanna embarrass his brother.

"So who wants to start first?" Nick asks, sitting his phone next to him as he looks at Matt and Chris. Matt picked up his phone and scrolled through the photos landing on a chubby black cat with a bow tie. "How bout this chubby little guy named Steve?" Matt says and shows them both.

Nick answers Matt but Chris just keeps staring out the window chewing on his nails he could feel the tears threatening to fall he was trying so hard to keep them from falling but he felt his breathing pick up and his heart started racing as he pulled his legs into his chest letting out a heartbreaking sob as he hid his head in his knees.

Nick and Matt snapped out of what they were talking about and looked over at their little brother. They felt their heart break just watching him sob like that Nick decided to turn off the camera and grab it off of the dashboard sitting the camera down next to him as he unlocked his door and got out, Matt followed behind him and walked over to Chris's door opening it carefully as Chris just continued to cry.

Chris was in the middle of a panic attack and he felt stuck. He couldn't stop crying and gasping for a breath.Matt wrapped his arms around Chris while still standing against the car and pulled him close to his heart so he could hear his heartbeat and hopefully calm down.

"Shh Chris, follow my breathing okay buddy in 4 out 4 deep breaths sweet heart" Matt whispers, running his hand through Chris' hair and he tries to follow along with Matt as he breathes in slowly,Nick smiles watching them both and gives them time as he keeps watch since his brother couldn't see behind him since he was comforting Chris.

Nick just wanted to make sure they were safe since it was already dark outside even though it was only 6pm he didn't want someone or something to sneak up behind them and attack them or something so he decided to keep watch until it was his turn to hug Chris and comfort him.Chris slowly started to calm down and rubbed his eyes, yawning softly as he listened to Matt's heart beat.Nick carefully tapped Matt's shoulder and he turned his head to look at Nick.

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