Bad Habit;

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Request from tehehe-ann : Hello! Would you consider doing one with Matt falling into a really bad smoking habit?Or drugs? Either one is fine. But he ends up running out and becomes really snappy and rude, hiding away from everyone because they're all irritating him. He gets so desperate he's willing to a shady person to get some but ends up in trouble and has to Call his brothers for help

TW: smoking,swearing,fighting.mattitude to an extreme 10000%,hospital visit,blood,

Thank you so much for the request sorry it took so long i hope you really like it though love!

Disclaimer: This is all fiction I know Matty b doesn't smoke and is completely sober sorry if this triggers anyone enjoy !! 🤠

3rd pov:

The Stromboli triplets were in the middle of making a car video,Matt wasn't being himself at all he was getting mad about every little thing that Chris and nick were doing or saying they wouldn't stop screaming and Matt was getting the worst headache from it.

He just wanted the screaming to stop. He didn't even realize what he did until it was too late,Chris was currently in the middle of arguing with Nick when all of a sudden he was covered in his freshly opened Pepsi. Chris widened his eyes looking over at Matt in complete shock.

Nick gasped covering his mouth just staring at them both not knowing what to do or say because it's usually the other way around but this was completely out of the ordinary for Matt.

"MATTHEW WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" Chris screams jumping out of the car since he was covered and his outfit was ruined.

"I TOLD YOU GUYS TO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND YOU WOULDNT SO THATS WHAT YOU GET!" Matt yells getting out as well slamming the door behind him and walking off not even caring that Chris was covered in Pepsi and his favorite fresh love outfit was ruined.

"Matt you really didn't have to do that..this is a car video we are always doing this for laughs I don't understand what your problem is but you should stop.." Nick says trying to help Chris calm down so he doesn't punch Matt.

"I swear that kid needs a chill pill. I'm so pissed this was the only clean outfit I had for this video and of course he just had to have a mattitude!" Chris says, taking his hoodie off and hanging it over the door shivering.

"I know Chris..let's just go into a store and get something warm for you to wear while Matt calms down,how's that sound?" Nick says softly rubbing his younger brother's back.

"Alright Nicky.." Chris whispers calming down,honestly he didn't know how Nick did it but he always knew how to calm him down when something happened.

They both walked into the store to give Matt space wherever he walked off too. They just hoped this would work because they missed their sweet matty and i loved him no matter what they hoped he knew that.


I rushed off feeling my heart race out of my chest. I was so pissed off I couldn't even think straight,I didn't know where I was but I was surrounded by trees and the calming sound of water.

I must be in the woods or something so I just sat down on a black bench looking up at the sky trying to calm my breathing. I counted to 10 in my head and my heart beat slowed down as I finally took in my surroundings, shivering since my adrenaline went down.

As i reached into my pocket and found my honeydew pineapple breeze prime (that is my breeze flavor and it's amazing just saying lmao) and put it to my lips taking a big hit of it and all my nerves relaxed.

Honestly I know I shouldn't be doing this but it helps a lot with all the stress I'm going through so I started vaping,Nick and Chris have no idea and I don't think I could tell them.

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