You're Enough;

434 7 2

-Request: Depressed Chris from multiple people! So here you go, I hope you enjoy it!! Let me know whatcha think in the comments below!!

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-Request: Depressed Chris from multiple people! So here you go, I hope you enjoy it!! Let me know whatcha think in the comments below!!

angst,swearing,feelings of depression and anxiety,lots of crying and lots of feeling worthless in this chapter,just a trigger warning for lots of hate online,an emotional roller coaster so read at your own discretion love you guys and thank you for being the best x

-Fluf at the end like always!! I had so much fun writing this it was honestly so bittersweet sorry if there are any spelling errors or mistakes  x


It was their third day back home since they had a more open schedule now with their YouTube channel.Chris felt so overwhelmed and stressed out right now from all of the hate and drama going on,all he wanted was His brothers. He felt safe with them,they always knew what to say or do in these types of situations.

Chris pouted, crossing his arms as his emotions took over,all the stress and anxiety of the past few weeks were hitting him like a brick wall right now,he felt so alone in this great big world. He felt like everything he did was never enough! Being an adult was hard.

His mental health has gotten so much worse he felt like everyone hated him,the hate he was receiving online was really taking a toll on him,Matt always knew what to say in these moments but he wasn't home only Nick was home at the time.

Chris contemplated on what to do,after 5 minutes of crying he finally wiped his tears and got up going up to Nick's room trying so hard not to cry again as he took a deep breath and knocked on the door gently leaning into it as he spoke his voice was shaky and full of emotions he couldn't process on his own,he hated that about himself but he really needed to be surrounded by his brothers right now before he did something he would regret later on.

"N-Nicky,C-Can I-I Come I-in p-please?!" Chris felt his throat start to hurt from holding back tears as Nick opened the door to great him,his face instantly softened realizing just how sad and worn out his younger brother looked,it honestly broke his heart seeing him like this,he frowned and pulled Chris into a big bear hug just letting Chris cry into his shirt loudly as Nick ran his fingertips through Chris' hair trying to calm him down.

After 5 minutes of holding him close to his chest Nick finally spoke softly as he rubbed his younger brothers back,he knew he had to say something meaningful and he knew he had to listen to what Chris said closely so he could understand the whole situation,he honestly wasn't good at these things like Matt was but he was gonna make sure Chris knew just how loved he really was at this moment.

"Sweetheart, what's going on? Please take a deep breath for me. It's okay, I'm here, take your time" Nick whispers softly with a gentle voice and soft smile on his face as he looks into his younger brother's eyes giving him his whole attention,he wanted to make sure that Chris felt seen in this moment.

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