Silent Treatment;

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Request From: BejewledQueen13
Hi! Maybe one where Matt and Nick are ignoring Chris and being really mean to him and he has a meltdown and Matt and Nick feel bad and help him. Only if you want to.

-Tw: melt down,swearing,arguing.Nick and Matt being mean to Chris sksk

- Lots of fluff at the end!! 😭❤️

[3rd POV]

It was a normal day in the Sturniolo house,Nick and Matt woke up and decided to have a brothers day and just hang out at the mall.

Matt got all ready and grabbed his wallet,keys,and phone while sliding on his Air Force 1 and grabbing his ransom hoodie. He headed for the door seeing Nick already outside waiting by the car door.

"Ugh took you long enough!" Nick groaned rolling his eyes and getting into the passenger seat,Matt just laughed and went on the driver's side buckling up and putting the key into the car to start it after Nick put his seat belt on,driving straight to the mall.

"I'm so excited I can't wait to go to Hot topic. They have so many cute clothes in there!" Nick says smiling as he looks over at Matt.

"That's true,honestly I can't wait to go to the jewelry shop and get a new chain for my new outfit!" Matt smiles back at Nick, turning his eyes to the road again.

They made it to the mall and walked in going to their favorite stores and just laughing about random stuff,they loved how quiet and friendly it was at the mall.they even saw a couple of fans which was super cool.

Nick's stomach started to growl and he rubbed it looking at Matt. "I'm hungryyy let's get food!" He demanded as Matt just laughed "alright kid let's get food you can pick!" He says smiling and Nick cheers rushing over to their favorite restaurant.

They made it to the host stand and a nice lady walked them to their table and gave them their menus along with their silverware then smiled telling them their server will be over soon and to enjoy they both thanked the lady and picked up their menus scanning though it trying to figure out what they wanted.They ended up getting a large pepperoni pizza along with root beer and Dr Pepper and garlic bread.

They continued to talk and joke about random things just enjoying each other's company without a care in the world, not once did they think about Chris which was crazy to say the least.

About 30 minutes later the pizza and bread come out and they got refills on their pops.The pizza was amazing. It was so cheesy and tasted amazing. The garlic bread was so soft and fresh they ate literally everything,they were stuffed to say the least.

They asked for the check about 10 minutes later and paid for it sliding their chairs into the table when they stood up.they decided to just go see a movie and relax they got into the movie theater and made their way to their seats the movie lasted 2 hrs,they never looked at their phones once which was a huge problem because between the both of them they had like 50 messages each from Chris.


Chris was passing back and forth worried sick about his older brothers. They have literally been gone all day long and haven't said a word to Chris.

Honestly he would be lying if he didn't say he was crying all day. Well scratch that he was actually having a mental breakdown his anxiety couldn't handle this,he couldn't breathe his eyes were swollen with tears and his vision was going blurry.

He was currently curled into a little ball in the middle of his room. He couldn't move. He felt like everything was against him like the room was closing in around him. His heart was racing out of his chest. He couldn't stop crying. All he wanted was his brothers.

But they were ignoring him and he couldn't wrap his mind around what he did wrong for them to ignore him all fucking day. They've been gone since 9 AM. It was currently 8 PM and they have not said a word to him.


The movie finally ended and they decided to head home. Nick decided to check his phone, and when he pulled out his phone and turned it on his eyes widened seeing all of the text messages and all of the missed calls and all of the voicemails from Chris. He instantly felt his heartbreak.

Matt noticed Nick's expression and fear filled his face as he saw his older brother's face. "What?! What is it?!" he says, looking at Nick literally, all Nick could do was hold up his phone because he felt like if he talked right now, he would instantly burst into tears.

Matt gasped covering his mouth with his hand as he looked at the phone he didn't say a thing. He just put his seatbelt on and quickly started up the car and slammed on the gas racing back home feeling like a complete asshole and honestly, he was scared to check his phone because he knew he would have the same thing which would make him feel even more worse than he does right now.


Matt arrived at the house, basically running out of the car. He slammed the front door open and ran up the stairs Nick following close behind him.

Matt Braced himself opening Chris's door, not even bothering to knock and as soon as he walked in, he saw the most heartbreaking sight in front of him. His younger brother was curled up in the middle of his floor, crying his eyes out.

They both wasted no time and rushed over to the younger triplet pulling him into their arms as they rocked back and forth with him.

"Aww Chrissy we are so sorry!" Matt says playing with his hair as Nick rubs his back softly trying to calm him down since he now had the hiccups from crying so hard.

Chris sniffled, clinging to both of his brothers not letting go, his heartbeat calming down,feeling safe in Nick and Matt's arms.

Nick and Matt put their pinky's out and look at Chris. "We promise to never leave you out of nowhere like this again. It was wrong and we should have texted you back bub,we love you so much! Can you please forgive us, we are so sorry?" They say as they both wrap their pinky's around Chris' pinky's as Chris giggles sweetly at his brothers wrapping his pinky around theirs.

"I love you guys so much,I forgive you both and I'm just happy you guys are home again,could we have a movie night?" Chris whispers, sitting up and looking at them as they both smile and nod.

"Of course we can bub!" Matt replies getting up off the floor,Nick standing up along with him as Chris is still clinging to him he just chuckles at his younger brother and sits him down on the bed,Chris sat in the bed waiting for his brothers to come back with all the snacks.

Matt finally walks in with popcorn and drinks giving Chris a cold Pepsi making him smile super big as he snuggled up to Matt once he sat on the bed about 5 minutes pass and Nick finally walks in with all the sweets and cuddled up next to Chris on his other side letting Chris pick the movie.

They all watched Bambi and cried because let's be real Bambi is so sad but so cute at the same time they watched Disney plus all night and just stayed close to each other not wanting to be away from one another.

Chris was the first one to fall asleep and Matt just cooed and watched as Chris snuggled into both of them making Nick ruffle his younger brothers hair as he snuggled close to Chris,Matt wrapped his blanket around All three of them and fell asleep.

Nick was snoring loud as hell already they stayed like that for the rest of the night just wrapped into each others arms feeling so safe and relaxed they haven't slept this good in a long time and knew they needed this.

let's just say they all woke up happy and had a brothers day again this time including Chris and letting him pick out whatever he wanted to do,because they never wanted chris to not feel included again they loved their baby brother and knew they wouldn't be able to do what they do without him.


I really hoped you liked it!!!
Comment and vote for more!!
Love yall!! Thank you for all the requests I'm gonna try to get them all done!!This is my second request out of a few more!!
- 🦇🦈🦌

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