Mentally Exhausted;

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Request from: @1_think_1_n33d_h3lp
Could you do one with Nick starving himself and excessive exercising?

Tw: ED,depression,mentally exhausted, just a major trigger warning for anyone who is going through something like this if you don't want to continue reading you can skip this chapter love you all <3

(I physically started crying writing this if anyone feels like this just know you're beautiful the way you are and i love you!)

-fluff at the end. 100%

{Third POV}

Nick has been going to the gym everyday for the last 7 months he has only been drinking protein shakes to keep him full,no one has really seen Nick's body he hides his body under baggy clothes so no one would notice just how ugly and fat he was well that's what he thought in his mind even though he was super skinny and mostly in shape from working out.

He has been working out all day long. He hasn't really taken a break or eaten anything all day. He Felt like he didn't deserve to eat because it would just make him feel bloated and gross.

He knew he couldn't let his brothers know about this; it would be too much for them to handle and he knew that. He would leave early in the morning so they wouldn't see what he looks like and arrive really late at night so they would be asleep when he arrived. He couldn't bear the heartache of seeing the concern on their faces once they saw what he had become.

He wasn't the same adorable and cheerful Nick we all came to know and love In fact he was a completely different person. He had big bags under his eyes, his hair was completely grown out, he had a beard and his eyes were filled with sadness.

He didn't want to be around anyone; he would just lock himself in his bedroom for hours completely ignoring Chris and Matt when they would knock on his door and ask what's wrong or if he had dinner already.

Truth be told Nick didn't care about anything anymore all he cared about was making sure he was skinny so he didn't get anymore hate online,he was honestly jealous of Chris and Matt because they were always smaller then him in size and he couldn't understand why.

He was so stuck in his own head he didn't even realize Chris was staring at him with tears in his eyes from his doorway. He didn't even realize Matt had dropped his cup and shattered it from the shock of what Nick looked like. He was so skinny and you could see his cheekbones and ribs more than ever now since he was wearing a tight black under armor workout shirt.

"N-Nick!?" Chris stutters out not knowing if he was actually seeing him right or if he was imagining things,he really hoped he was just in a nightmare and this wasn't real,but sadly it was real he couldn't even comprehend what happened he was devastated by this.

Matt couldn't even get a word out he just stood there crying as he carefully reached up and touched Nick's cold and hollow face he felt his heart break seeing him like this,Nick flinched looking at them both not knowing what to say or do either.

"Why.. Why did you do this?" Matt says with tears filling his eyes seeing just how empty Nick's eyes were he didn't even seem like he cared anymore about anything and that broke his heart even more because Nick use to be so happy and cheerful and knew just how to make a room light up when he walked into one but sadly that wasn't the case anymore.

"B-because I'm f-fat and u-ugly! And y-you guys would be better off without me, I'm useless!" Nick says moving away from Matt and looking away,Chris frowns and lifts his chin up softly looking into his eyes.

"No you aren't don't ever think that shit whoever said that is fucking blind and needs to get help you are perfect the way you are Nicolas Antonio Sturniolo! Don't ever think you aren't! I will kick anyone's ass who disagrees!" Chris says with a serious face and pulls Nick into a hug and that's all it took for Nick to break down and sob into Chris' neck,Matt frowned, rubbing Nick's back as Chris held him tight.

"Shh we got you Nicky, no more of this we are gonna help you through this no matter what happens me and Chris aren't going anywhere!" Matt whispers his heart breaking even more as he watches Nick cry harder than he ever has in his entire life.

After a while Nick calmed down and rubbed his eyes while he was still laying against Chris' chest while he rubbed Nick's back softly watching him with a sweet smile on his face. "You okay now Nicky ?" Chris says looking down at his brother who was basically clinging to him like a cute little koala and it made him giggle.

"Y-yeah.." Nick's voice cracks looking up at Chris still clinging to Him trying to stay calm and not freak out again,meanwhile in the kitchen Matt was getting some dinner made for all of them since Chris was still comforting Nick.

They knew it was gonna be a long recovery for Nick but they promised to be right by his side the whole time and always support him no matter what happens.20 minutes passed and dinner was ready. They all walked into the kitchen and sat down. Their plates were already Made and they had their favorite drinks along with their food grabbing napkins and silverware to start eating.

Nick carefully grabbed his fork and poked around at his food with it not really wanting to eat because he just felt so gross afterwards,Matt noticed and laid his hand on nicks shoulder.

"Bub just eat as much as you want even if it's one bite at least you are eating and i'm so proud of you!" Matt says with a sweet and comforting smile on his face as he looked at Nick and he smiles softly back nodding as he took a bite of his food it was honestly the first solid food he has had in weeks and it was amazing the flavors mixed so well with his taste buds before he knew it his whole plate was gone and Chris just laughed softly shocked at how fast Nick ate all of his food.

"YAY! GOOD JOB NICK WE ARE BOTH SO PROUD OF YOU!" Chris and Matt say insync, making Nick blush and laugh as he wiped his mouth with his purple napkin and took a sip of his Dr Pepper.

The rest of the night Chris and Matt made sure Nick felt all the love they had for him. They let him do whatever he wanted to do, they built a pillow fort and even played Mario kart letting Nick win every time.

even though it secretly pained Chris because he loved winning but he knew his brother needed this even if it was just a video game he would do anything to see his brother smile he loved making him laugh his laugh was contagious,Matt smiled loving every moment he spent with his brothers he knew they would be just fine.

After about 6 hrs of just joking around and making memories together they all finally settled down and fell asleep in Matt's room wrapped in each others arms under blankets the house was a mess but that was a tomorrow problem because right now all they carried about was making nick comfortable and making sure he knew just how much he was truly loved and appreciated the only sounds in the house was a fan and their soft snores no and then other then that the house was completely silent and nothing could ruin the happiness and comfort they all felt in that vert moment.

This is my 12th request I hope you loved it!

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