You Can't Be Serious?!;

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-Not a Request; Just wanted to celebrate 28

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-Not a Request; Just wanted to celebrate 28.50k reads,398 votes and 272 comments and 86 followers!!! I appreciate you all so much. Thank you for everything!!

-Tw: swearing,very emotional,passing out,panic attacks,anxiety,stress,screaming,arguments


-Disclaimer; this is honestly something I thought of out of nowhere !! sorry if there are any spelling errors or mistakes!!

-Let me know whatcha think!! Can't wait to see the comments!! Ahhh enjoy!!!


[Third POV]

Matt decided to fly back to Boston for the weekend,he really wanted to hang out with Nathen for some reason.He didn't tell Chris or Nick what he was doing because he wanted to go alone.

Matt knew this was gonna be a long shot but he wanted to do something on his own for once and not have to depend on his brothers.

He decided to get to bed early since his flight was scheduled for 6am. He knew Chris and Nick wouldn't be up that early in the morning and that was perfect for him.

Matt smiled and pulled the blankets up to his chin falling into a deep sleep dreaming about tomorrow with a smile on his face.He couldn't wait to see his childhood best friend that meant the world to him.

{The Next Day}

Everything went smoothly for Matt. He made it to the airport on time,so he decided to get some breakfast and just wait by his gate for his flight to be called so he could finally get back home to his best friend Nathan,

He had the biggest smile on his face as he ate his sausage, egg English muffin from a coffee shop, with a hash brown in the middle of it, occasionally taking sips of his caramel Frappuccino. It felt like forever but his flight finally started the boarding process after 45 minutes of just waiting around.

As Matt got up, he walked over to the trash can to throw away the empty bag that was full of wrappers from what he just ate, then proceeded to the line, pulling out his phone for the ticket agent to scan so he could get his seat number.

Matt instantly giggled and clapped his hands in excitement when he realized he got a window seat, the ticket agent just smiled as she watched him basically skip into the plane with so much joy and excitement on his face,it honestly made her giggle as well,but who could blame her it's Matt Sturniolo!?


Matt was finally home in Boston Massachusetts. He couldn't wait to see his best friend!!. He decided to take a shower and get freshened up since he was literally on a plane full of gross smelly people and screaming kids for 5 hrs straight and he felt disgusting.

He grabbed everything he needed for his shower and left his phone on the charger so it would be charged and good to go for when Nate finally decided to text him back.

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