We love you Matty;

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Request from: Xxbittersweet_RoseXx Maybe Matt had been really self-deprecating lately

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Request from: Xxbittersweet_RoseXx
Maybe Matt had been really self-deprecating lately. And really hard on himself. (making jokes about how he's so boring, not loved, how he thinks he's so ugly,) and his brothers have been kinda laughing it off. Thinking that he's joking, but he isn't joking when he tells them. So when they laugh it off Matt thinks they are agreeing with him. They end up confronting him about why he's been so upset lately and he ends up telling them. And they are really upset that he ever thought they'd agree with what he's been saying.

Tw: swearing,arguing,Breaking things,Anxiety attack,mental breakdown,just overall very sad, grab the tissues! Sorry in advance!!

Disclaimer:lots of fluff at the end!! Sorry if there are any spelling errors or mistakes! I made this as long as possible because it took so long to post again I Hope you guys love it!!

{Third pov}

Matt was in the living room with Chris and Nick,He was pulling at his bracelet deep In thought he didn't realize he zoned out till he felt Chris shake him,Chris looked at him with concern in his eyes as he watched Matt shake out of his zoned out state.

"O-Oh sorry?Did you need something?" Matt asks, apologizing immediately,feeling his anxiety get worse by the minute as he stutters trying hard not to cry in the process.

"Matt, are you doing okay?" Chris asks, looking at his middle brother,Matt gulps pulling at his bracelet more to the point it almost snaps causing Chris to frown and grab Matt's hand softly to get him to stop before he does.

"Y-yeah why do you ask? Am I too weird and quiet for you, am I freaking you out? I'll just go. I'm sorry you have to deal with a ugly and fat and annoying freak like me Chris,I know you and Nick think of me that way you guys always laugh at me and blow me off so i'm just gonna go!"

Matt screams with tears already running down his face,Chris stands there in disbelief trying to register what the fuck just happened? He honestly couldn't believe Matt thought of himself in that way it honestly broke his heart.

Matt ran before Chris could get a word out,He slammed his door open and ran in his room slamming it closed behind him as he cried and screamed pulling his hair as he trashed his entire room,He felt like no one loved him in this very moment.

He felt like his whole life was a joke,He hated himself, he didn't understand how people found him attractive,He was so quiet and skinny and acted so weird,his anxiety ruined everything for him,he knew Chris and Nick were better off without him.

As Matt trashed his room he literally destroyed all of his photos of himself he didn't like how he looked he never has,he wanted nothing to do with anyone anymore,he decided to delete all of his social media and all of his pictures off of his phone,he then took a hammer to his phone and broke it into pieces.

Matt Sturniolo was now erased from every and everyone he has ever loved or had in his life. He destroyed everything in sight until there was nothing left and slid down his wall and cried into his knees sobbing so hard he was shaking and breathing so hard,it was truly a heartbreaking sight,after a while he fell into a deep sleep and everything went black.

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