Feeling Hopeless;

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-Not a request; 🦉💙

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-Not a request; 🦉💙

Tw: very sad!!

Disclaimer: sorry if there are any spelling errors or mistakes I thought of this on a whim!! Hope you enjoy it! It's basically Matt writing in his journal! And it basically turns into a little story at the end with some fluff.

{Third POV}

-JANUARY 20TH,2024; 🦉💙

I know you're probably wondering why I'm writing this. The truth is, I'm struggling. I'm struggling to find myself. I'm struggling to find my purpose like Chris came out with his fresh love brand Nick came out with his Space Camp brand of lip balm and me I didn't come out with anything.

I honestly feel like I'm falling behind. I can't seem to keep up with my posts on YouTube. It's been months since I posted a video. I know I said that I like to take my time with it and I'm not gonna post if I don't feel like it's good content and if I feel like it's being forced.

But the truth is, I'm not as creative as Chris and Nick. It's truly driving me crazy. I just want to come out of my shelf for once, but my anxiety is so bad I just feel like I'm not as brave as they are. I'm never seen because I'm the middle child. Everybody always looks at Justin or Chris or Nick but never me.

I feel like I'm too quiet. I feel like I'm too grumpy all the time. I want to make a change. I want to be the happy go Lucky Matt, that I always have been that I lost a long time ago. I just wanna find him again.

Matt was so deep into writing he didn't realize the tears that were falling down his face and onto his paper,he felt his breathing pick up as he slammed the pen down and pushed the book away from him.

He felt his heart breaking. He just wanted to be himself again but he knew it was gonna take a long time.he knew this was gonna be a difficult process. But he was willing to try if that meant he could find himself again.

Matt was crying his eyes out into his hands when he felt two pairs of arms wrap around him and pull him close as they both rubbed his back comfortingly. It was Chris and Nick who watched everything Matt was doing from his door frame because he had his door open and they heard the crying from the kitchen.

"Shh Matty it's okay I'm here!" Chris whispered running his fingers tips through Matt's hair softly as he tried to sooth him as much as possible, Nick rubbed his back softly as he frowned watching Matt cry.

"What were you writing?" Nick asks after about 5 minutes of Matt finally calming down,Matt looks up at Nick from Chris' shoulder his eyes were bloodshot and swollen from crying so hard he cleared his throat before answering Him.

"A-About how useless I-i am compared to you guys.." Matt muttered the words out and Nick instantly shook his head in disbelief,he couldn't believe Matt thought of himself like that.

"Matt you're amazing don't ever think that about your self!" Nick protested causing Chris to nod in agreement as looked between both of his brothers.

"Nick is right Matty we love you and couldn't do this without our Matty bear!" Chris adds into the conversation with a genuine smile on his face as Matt looks between the two smiling softly as he nibbles on his nails feeling his anxiety slowly starting to calm down hearing his brothers speak to him in a calming manner.

Matt pulled them both into a hug again feeling a lot better than he did. He ended up ripping up the page that he wrote and spent the rest of the night with his loving brothers by his side. He honestly felt a lot better than he did. Chris and Nick always knew what to say when he needed them the most.They all ended up, falling asleep on the couch together, wrapped in blankets as their favorite movie played in the background.


Hiii I know this is rushed but I literally wrote this in 10 minutes literally 766 words!!

I'm so sorry it's taking me so long to update. I have so much going on right now. I really appreciate you all so very much. Thank you so much for all the support on my book!!

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