Car Video;

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Request: cara-321 Could you do one where Nick and Chris are being rude and mean to Matt in a car video but Matt was having a hard day and this caused him to have an anxiety attack when they got home and Chris and Nick heard him in his room and fel...

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Request: cara-321
Could you do one where Nick and Chris are being rude and mean to Matt in a car video but Matt was having a hard day and this caused him to have an anxiety attack when they got home and Chris and Nick heard him in his room and felt bad so they comforted him.

Tw: arguing,swearing,anxiety attack,hospital.blood,lots of Mattitude tbh and just trigger warning in general because I don't know if I missed anything!

-I hope you like it sorry if there is any errors or mistakes on spelling I hope this is what you wanted I put a little twist on it plus this chapter is super long because I got really into it while listening to Matt's playlist ðŸ'œ

-Fluff at the end because it's super sad and full of surprises so enjoy love!

Nick,Matt,and Chris were currently getting everything set up for the car video.They grabbed some food on the way to their usual filming location. Matt parked the car and got out making sure the camera was in the right position so it could get All of them in the frame then got back into the car when it was all set.

"Took you long enough!" Chris says, rolling his eyes when Matt finally gets all settled into the car. Matt just laughs it off and ruffles his hair pushing it back.

"So anyway today's video is about what we like and don't like about each other,who wants to start first?" Nick says introducing the video title.

"I'll start. I hate how Matt holds his pinky up when he drinks his pop like it's not that serious!" Chris says, staring right at Matt.

"Oh that's so true I hate how Matt doesn't go along with what we are saying and just says some random shit out of nowhere like kid follow along it's not that hard!" Nick says adding to what Chris was saying Matt just stares at them not knowing what to say because it kinda hurt his feelings but he tried to push it off like it was nothing.

"Well I hate how Chris eats with his mouth open and makes smacking sounds with his mouth!" Matt says looking at Chris and he just rolls his eyes.

"Well I hate how Matt never wants to do shit and how he makes a big deal out of just going to the store when he is literally not doing jack shit in his room All day!" Chris snaps back at Matt and then Nick joins in.

"That's so true I also hate how he is such a Debbie downer all the time like he never wants to have fun he would rather stay in his room and sleep he is so fucking lazy it's annoying!" Nick laughs as he finishes going off on Matt Chris keeps saying rude and mean comments right back and this causes Matt to start chewing on his nails more trying not to cry right then and there.

"That's so true he's so fucking quit all the time and I'm pretty sure the fans are getting annoyed with him as well like kid step it up be loud and talk for once and get your fucking fingers out of ya mouth you're acting like a child!"

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