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💜-Request from: matthewistired Maybe one where Nick or Chris wake Matt up from a nap because they need to do something (record a video?), but matt is all pouty and cute because they woke him from a good dream:>

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💜-Request from: matthewistired
Maybe one where Nick or Chris wake Matt up from a nap because they need to do something (record a video?), but matt is all pouty and cute because they woke him from a good dream:>

💙-Tw: swearing.

🧡-so much fluff you will be kicking your feet and giggling,sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or errors!! Comment and let me know what you guys think of this character I thought it was adorable 🥹💗

{Third POV}

"Trev!!!" Matt giggles, kneeling down to be the same height as his precious puppy. Trevor barked and wagged his tail as he jumped on Matt pushing him to the floor as he licked his face making Matt laugh and squirm around.

"Who's a good boy!!" He says giving him belly rubs as he sat up letting trev lay on his side still wagging his tail happier than ever as he barks happily.

Chris walks in smiling as he watches Matt and Trevor reunite with each other for the first time in months. Nick walked in behind Chris and smiled as well, seeing just how happy Matt was in that very moment.

"Awww Trevor!!" Chris coos laughing as he joins in with Matt and Trev on the floor giving him lots of love as well. "Gosh i missed this puppy!" Nick adds in and sits next to Chris as he pets Trevor's head softly smiling as Trevor wags his tail with so much love and joy,he really loves his boys.

Chris and Nick looked over at Matt with a smile still rubbing Trevors belly. "Matt it's time to get up, we have to film for Friday's car video!" "Wait what?" Matt answers them tilting his head confused as to why they were saying that then realization sat in when his eyes shot open being shaken out of his dreams rudely by both of his brothers standing over him. Matt pouted and crossed his arms realizing he wasn't in Boston and that they were in fact in L.A instead.

Nick and Chris laughed ruffling Matt's hair gently. "Sorry if we interrupted something!" Chris says making Matt pout more as he sat up and groaned rubbing his face. "I was dreaming about Trevor!" Chris just laughed even harder at how Matt was acting. He was usually tough but today he was just being cute.

"Aw I'm sorry kid let's get going though we gotta go film!" Nick says smiling as he watches Matt stand up still pouting and grab his car keys along with his phone and hoodie while sliding his shoes on, still kinda upset they interrupted his amazing dream.nick and Chris just laugh and follow him out to the car getting into their usual spots to start their 30 minute trip to a random Parking lot to film a 20 minute car video for all of their amazing fans.


They finally found a decent parking lot and got everything set up to have a successful night of filming these were honestly their favorite videos so of course they were all pumped to get the party started,Nick had his reindeer ears along with glasses and Christmas lights around his neck,Chris had a Santa hat on and Matt had red antlers on needless to say they were ready for the holidays and you could tell.

They filmed for what seemed like ages but they ended with really funny and interesting footage that is gonna bring so much joy to their fans they couldn't wait to see the edits on TikTok from their video it made them so happy. They genuinely enjoyed watching them and found them funny. Once they finished the video and turned off the camera Chris and Nick looked at Matt with a smile causing Matt to tilt his head.

"What is it? Is my hair messed up? Is there something on my face??" Matt asked, getting self conscious because they were just staring at him,Chris and Nick just laughed and shook their heads. "No Matty, you're fine, me and Nick were just wondering if we could make it up to you from interrupting your dream earlier" Chris says with hopeful eyes as Nick looks at Matt waiting for him to answer. "Yeah you seemed to really be enjoying it and we just rudely woke you up and I feel bad" Nick adds in making Matt smile because they actually admitted to their actions and feel bad he honestly felt so honored in this very moment his echo boosted by like 200% right then.

"Of course you guys can,who am I to turn that down?" Matt sassed making Chris and Nick both cringe but laugh harder than ever. Matt smiled watching his brothers laugh he loved making them laugh with how sassy he was his mattitude always seemed to make everyone laugh it was like his own little super power and he loved that for himself.

Chris and Nick finally calmed down from laughing and looked back at Matt with a smile on their faces. "Of course, anything for our little matty bear!" Nick teased earning an eye roll from Matt. Chris smiled, joining in with the conversation."I agree with Nick!What do you wanna do first Matt?" He asked and Matt hummed thinking of something as he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel.

"How about we have a movie night and order in pizza since it's already late?" Matt suggested looking at Chris and Nick who smiled and nodded eagerly. "Sounds like a plan to me!" Chris chimes in with a giggle,Nick nods in agreement. "Same here,then it's settled, let's get back to the house now cause I gotta pee!" Nick says laughing as Matt just chuckles starting the drive back to their house while Chris hooks his phone up to the Bluetooth to play his music so they all can jam out on the way there instead of it being an awkward silence.


Nick was getting the blankets and pillows ready in his room to have their movie night,Matt was getting all of the snacks from the kitchen since the pizza already arrived,and Chris was making sure to find a funny movie for them all to just laugh and relax together.

Matt arrived into Nick's room and sat next to Chris getting comfortable as he passed out the plates of pizza along with a Dr Pepper for Nick and a Pepsi for Chris and he of course had a root beer. Chris and Nick smiled, thanking Matt as they got situated on the bed so it was more comfortable since Nick's bed was a pretty decent size and fit them all perfectly.

They decided to watch hotel transylvania since it was funny and a decent cartoon they could all relate too,Nick,Matt,and Chris spent the rest of the night laughing and overall just having a great time together,about 2 hrs went by and they were all sound asleep wrapped in big fluffy blankets snoring so loud that they sounded like little bear cubs.

Matt was thankful for his brothers and Nick and Chris knew that.They felt the same way about Matt and surprisingly he had the same dream that night and woke up happier than ever because he actually got to finish the dream this time and he of course told Chris and Nick everything and they both couldn't stop smiling from seeing just how happy Matt was to dream about their puppy back home that they all missed so much.

They ended up booking a flight back to Boston for the next following week because Nick,Matt,and Chris all agreed they needed family time and to be back home for the holidays because they were honestly all a little homesick. <3


This is my 27th request from my new round of requests I posted today. I really hope you enjoyed it and that there was enough fluff in here for you!! I tried my hardest to make it as cute as possible!! Thank you for the idea!

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