Zoned Out;

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💙Request from: Hania1743 Can you do one where Matt is dissociated?

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💙Request from: Hania1743
Can you do one where Matt is dissociated?

💜-Lots of fluff at the end! sorry if there are any spelling errors or mistakes! Hope you enjoy it!!

🧡Tw: arguing,swearing,blood,very sad and graphic. Just a trigger warning in general if I forgot anything!!

🦈-grab the tissues i cried while writing this!! It's a very long chapter almost used up a whole box of tissues while writing this cause i cried so much. Anyway enjoy!! 🥹🫶

{Third POV}

Matt has been very distant lately. He hasn't been around anyone in the last few weeks,he has basically been a hermit in his room not really wanting to be bothered. He was honestly annoyed by every little thing that was going on around him.

His brothers weren't helping either he snapped at Nick and Chris earlier this week and after that horrible fight between the three of them he just decided to stay in his room and not face his brothers until he was truly ready to the speak to them again,they really pissed him off with their constant insults and yelling whenever he would try to speak and it was really taking a toll on his mental health.

But who could blame Matt for feeling this way? It was a constant battle when it came to him talking or simply asking a question in a car video or any video to be honest even in their private lives at home off the camera it became unbearable.

Matt was getting yelled at way more than he was before and being insulted more times in a day by Chris and Nick then he would like to admit,it hurt his feelings knowing his brothers thought so bad about him. He just wanted to be happy again but he knew it would be a while till that happened.

He just hoped the time away from each other would fix everything,he thought that if he didn't show his face or even say a word to his brothers they would calm down and stop insulting him so much,Matt would cry himself to sleep most nights from how bad his thoughts got.He was starting to believe all the things that Chris and Nick said about him were true after a while.

Two hours passed and still no one came to check on Matt he was just left with his thoughts 24/7 he felt like everyone secretly hated him and he was just a waste of space,he honestly started to repeat all the words they said to him over and over again in his head to the point he was having a panic attack he felt like the room was spinning his vision started to go blurry as he grabbed the wall for balance to hopefully bring him back to reality but sadly that didn't work at all.

Matt's body was under so much stress and anxiety from everything that was said to him in the past week and a half from his own brothers that were supposed to protect him and love him,He simply just let the attack take over.his whole body tensed up and he felt his eyes roll into the back of his head as everything went dark. He fell backwards hitting his head against the hardwood floor making a loud thud. Blood started to flow from his head making a puddle around him as he laid there completely unconscious.

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