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🦇 Request from: Savannah52722
Can u do one where Nick has ptsd from a fire?

💜-Tw:Swearing,PTSD,swearing,panic attack.fighting,blood,very intense emotions.

💙- I'm sorry if there is any errors or spelling mistakes!

🧡 -Fluff at the end as always!

{Third POV}

It's been five months since the fire happened. Life hasn't been the same for Nick; he had severe panic attacks when it came to doing certain things he couldn't even go next to a stove without thinking something was gonna happen. He couldn't even go next to a bonfire without having traumatic flashbacks of that horrific night..

Chris and Matt started getting so worried about Nick because he would have horrible nightmares every single night it was the same dream he would dream about his house becoming engulfed in flames and all of his childhood memories being burned to the ground his family would be trapped and everyone would die he couldn't get the images to go away no matter how hard he tried they just got worse.

It got to the point he would wake up screaming and grabbing out for either Chris or Matt he would be gasping and crying so hard that he had sweat running down his face. His whole bed was wet from him sweating so bad his hair was completely pressed against his forehead and he just kept screaming and trying to get the horrible memories to stop.

Nick felt helpless. He felt like no matter how much therapy he did it never helped. He just kept falling into a deeper depression until one day he just went mute he never said a word again to anyone he kept to himself. Everything went quiet in his brain like he couldn't do or say anything for himself.

It scared Matt and Chris when they seen it happen it honestly was the scariest thing they have ever seen in their life's it was like Nick's soul just left his body he looked cold his eyes lost their sparkle he just sat there in the middle of the bed in complete silence not even looking at anything but the wall.

It was clear to Matt and Chris that Nick was never gonna be the same. This whole situation really messed him up. All they wanted was their big brother back. They missed his goofy personality and his contagious laugh that brought so much joy to everyone he was around.but sadly they knew that nick was long gone and there was nothing they could do or say to fix that and it honestly broke their hearts.

Chris walked into the room where Nick was just sitting on his bed just playing with his bracelets as he watched Chris walk in with such a cold gaze it made Chris frown.He sat by Nick wrapping his arm around his shoulders in a comforting manner causing Nick to flinch and stare at him without saying a word.

"Nicolas i miss you a lot...its like you aren't even here even though i'm staring right at you and it's breaking my heart knowing I haven't heard your voice in weeks.. it's not the same without you in the videos the fans are worried about shit our whole family is worried about you what is going on? Why wont you talk?"

Chris says with tears running down his face as he kept his arm wrapped around Nick's shoulders softly rubbing his arm gently,Nick just stared at him and rolled his eyes moving away causing Chris to cry even more when his arm fell off of Nick's shoulders.

Nick stood up and just walked over to his door opening it and points towards it to signal Chris to get out of his room with no emotion on his face just cold and empty blue eyes that were once full of love but not anymore he could care less about Chris' sob story and crying it really wasn't gonna work on him,at least not anymore.

Chris stared at Nick in disbelief. He couldn't believe that Nick was doing this. He couldn't believe that Nick wasn't talking to him or anybody in their family or even their fans he couldn't believe that Nick was making him get out of his room right now after he just poured his heart out to him, he stood there in shock, just staring at him, feeling his heartbreak even more.

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