How Could You?!;

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-Not a request 🦌🍊🧡

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-Not a request 🦌🍊🧡

Tw/disclaimer: lots of swearing and mean words. Sorry if there is any spelling errors or mistakes I wrote this in five minutes it literally just popped into my mind and I went with it haha there is honestly no summary for this because I don't even know where I was going with it or what Chris even did to deserve it I just got bored lmao

{Third POV}

"Matt please don't go.." Chris whispers tears filling his eyes as he looks at his brother who means so much to him.

"I have to Chris I can't do this anymore.." Matt finally says grabbing his suitcase from his closet,packing all of belongs as Chris cried his eyes out and pulls at Matt's sweater.

"P-please M-Matt i can't d-do this without you and Nick,He left and you promised you wouldn't leave and now look you're leaving Me too I'm sorry for what I did I-i keep apologizing and no one wants to be around me!" Chris stutters between sobs as he tries to catch his breath.

"Well you should of thought about losing us when you did what you did I can't even look at you the same Chris,I don't blame Nick for leaving in fact I'm going to join him." Matt says with no emotion on his face as he goes back to packing his clothes ignoring Chris and his annoying crying.

"S-So that's just it? N-no more Sturniolo triplets? What about our YouTube channel?" Chris says in disbelief at how Matt was acting towards him it broke his heart into a million pieces.

"Fuck you chris never speak about us or anything about mine and Nicks YouTube channel again we hate you! Now if you will excuse me I'm leaving lose my number!" Matt yells rolling his suitcase down the hall as he goes out to his car slamming the door in Chris' face...


Sorry this is so short I honestly didn't know where I was going with this like I said at the top but I hope you enjoyed some random Angst of Chris I honestly just wrote this for fun 🧡🍊🦌

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