It's midnight now and I can't sleep. I can't wait for October to come sooner. I stared out my bedroom window and looked at the Opera House. I can't wait to see them perform there someday. I turned my tv on and started playing some of Cal's videos on YouTube again. He seems like such a sweet guy, but hot as fuck. I mean come on, his muscles, and tattoos. UGH. Murder me, please. I beg of you. I mean, personally, the bassists are the hot ones.

Don't blame me, but I was stalking his if I could ever have the chance to be with him, I wouldn't complain if he turned out to be a dick. Imagine, oh I would die.

Anyways, continuing to scroll through his page..

Anyways, continuing to scroll through his page

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calumhood  Bought this bad boy on tour... '82 p bass special.. Named it 'Nashville' #2weekhiatusupdates 138K Likes & 2,730 Comments

Ugh, why do I love him so much? Enough, I should stop. I need to go to bed. But he's just on my mind. Please get here fast October.


"I just can't believe you, I trusted you with my life and you go behind my back?"
"I'm sorry, this wasn't supposed to happen, she meant nothing."
"You guys are such pathetic assholes, you all say that. Fuck you, Matthew!"
I walked out of his house and started to run across the street when all of a sudden a car was heading towards me. I panicked and froze and next thing I knew I blacked out.


I woke up crying my eyes out. What the fuck was that? Why was my ex boyfriend in my dream? I looked at the time and it was almost 5. Great, now I won't be able to go back to sleep. I grabbed my laptop and looked up 'clothing stores near me,' I need my other therapist later. Oh, which reminds me I haven't been texting my friends this past week.

Yn: "Hey, I know it's been a few days but how are y'all doing?"
L: "Fine, but dying without u"
B: "OMG, YN! We miss you! How Australia?"
L: "Please come back soon🥲"
Yn: "Australia is gorgeous but it's hot asf, a lot like Florida. But I have some exciting news to tell you guys.."
Yn: "My brother got tickets to see 5sos"
N:"I'm sad now"
Yn: "Thats not even the best part, he also got VIP so I get to meet them🫨😁"
L: "I'm gonna kick ur brothers ass"
B: "That should be me🥺 im jkjk but im happy for u!"
N: "I met them last tour, they're sweet🥺😌"
Yn: "I swear I'm gonna have a heart attack when I see Cal"
B: "I would go feral over Luke😍 look at my husband"

"L: "OMG WHAT"Yn: "My brother got tickets to see 5sos"B:"LUCKYYYYYY"N:"I'm sad now"Yn: "Thats not even the best part, he also got VIP so I get to meet them🫨😁"L: "I'm gonna kick ur brothers ass"B: "That should be me🥺 im jkjk but im happy for u!"...

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