We got back to my apartment and went into my room. Thankfully, I have a queen bed, so it's big enough for the both of us. I grabbed my meds and laid my bag on the floor as I went to put them up in my bathroom.

Calum: "Say, what're those for?"

Yn: "Oh, they're my anxiety meds." I said as I was walking back into the room.

Calum: "It's that severe?"

Yn: "Yeah, I've been put on other medication before but it's never worked for me."

Calum: "I'm sorry, anxiety is the worst."

Yn: "I know, don't be sorry, it's life. Well, caused by my parents, but other than that.."

Calum: "Okay, well, its only..three, so what do you wanna do?"

Yn: "Honestly, I don't know. You're the one from here, why don't you show me around?"

Calum: "Alright, I'll let you get dressed." He said as he started to walk out.

Yn: "Calum, you don't need to leave. I don't mind you being in here."

That lit up his face, but made his cheeks rosy.

Calum: "Okay." He sat back down on the bed and turned on the tv as I got up and walked to my closet.

I turned on my closet light and was searching for something to wear for a couple of minutes. I finally found my fit.

 I finally found my fit

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I grabbed my clothes and shoes and walked over to my bed and set them down

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I grabbed my clothes and shoes and walked over to my bed and set them down.

Calum: "Do you want me to um..turn around..?"

Yn: "I don't care, if that makes you comfortable." I laughed.

He just kept his eyes watching the tv while I started to take my tank top off and replace is with my star shirt. Then I took off my sweatpants and changed into my black ripped jeans. I grabbed my clothes and turned around to put them in my laundry basket. I walked back over and sat on the bed and put my shoes on.

Yn: "Okay, I'm ready to go."

Calum: "I'll take you to the best places I know."

We headed out into his car and he started driving towards out of the city. I hope he's not about to murder me..

38 Minutes Later

We were in the middle of nowhere, but on a mountain with an insane view of Sydney at 4 pm. He stopped the car and got out. He walked over to my side and opened my door.

Yn: "So, what're we doing here?"

Calum: "This is my safe space when I need to be alone. Thought it'd be nice for you to see."

Yn: "It's gorgeous, oh my God. I wouldn't wanna leave."

Calum's smile lit up my world, it makes me smile.

He grabbed a blanket from the car and laid it down on the trail far enough from the cliff. We sat down and admired the city's beauty. We ended up having a long conversation about how we want our lives to be lived. If he didn't choose music, he would be playing for a futbol team. I could've taken him either way. I laid my head on his shoulder watching the sun set slowly. I felt his arm wrap around my shoulder. 

We stayed a while after it was dark and I didn't want to leave

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We stayed a while after it was dark and I didn't want to leave.

Calum: "Hey, Yn.."

Yn: "Yeah?"

We stared into each others eyes. God, he's so pretty. My anxiety kicked in. Fuck. My hands started shaking. He was slowly brining his face towards mine. Is this really happening? I leaned in too, and our lips touched. Fuck, he has soft lips. His hand grabbed the side of my face, making the kiss more intimate. We both pulled away after a minute or so. We were smiling like crazy. 

Calum: "Will you be my girlfriend, Yn?"

Yn: "Of course, Cal." I squealed and tackled him with a hug.


We opened the door and went into my room, again. I took off my shoes and left them by my bed. I walked over towards my closet to grab a different shirt..I'm pretty sure I put it back up. It took me a couple minutes to realize where my shirt is and I forgot it's in the bathroom. Before I went in there, I went into my drawer and grabbed cozy sweatpants and walked into the bathroom. After a couple of minutes, I walk back out with my shirt that I wore to the concert and my black star print sweatpants and laid next to Calum while he was trying to find something to watch.

Calum: "I love that shirt." He was grinning.

Yn: "I love it, too. I had it custom made at the Westfield mall. You know, I'm still manifesting." I laughed.

Calum: "Oh, are you now?" He smirked. 

Yn: "Maybe not now, but for another time."

I got closer to him and had wrapped my leg around his body. I felt his hand hold onto my ass.

Calum: "Are you alright with me-"

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Calum: "Are you alright with me-"

Yn: "Yes, Calum. I'm yours, you can do whatever you want."

I had my head on his chest and I was listening to his heartbeat. Then, I heard him humming to a song. His sounds made me calm down and had me drift to sleep pretty quick. 

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