Calum, the kids and I were ready to go home now. We stayed a week around at his parents for New Years. I feel like Mali-Koa and I are really bonding well. We're practically very good friends now.

Mali-Koa: "You have to go back home?"

Yn: "Unfortunately, I wish we'd stay longer but uh, we've gotta get back to LA."

Calum: "Its alright sis, we'll come to visit often." He walked over to hug her.

Aww, he's such a good brother. I wish mine was in contact with me more, but I get it, he's a busy guy especially since he created his own company. Just like me. We should go see him before we leave Sydney.

Joy got up from the couch and David did as well.

David: "We're proud of you, son. You've become the best husband and father to Yn and your kids." His thick Scottish accent prompted.

Yn: "Oh, David. You're gonna make me cry." I started tearing.

David: "Joy and I love you Yn, we're glad you're part of the family. You really did change Calum. And in a good way. You're both lucky to have each other."

I hugged him.

Yn: "Thank you, you're the best."

Joy: "Oh, come here." She hugged me.

Yn: "Thank you for being so lovely, especially towards the kids. They love you." I looked at August as he nodded.

August: "Bye grandma! Bye grandpa!"

David: "Bye Auggie, we'll see you soon."

Joy: "Bye little man, bye sweetheart."

Calum: "Bye Mum. We'll come back soon."

Joy: "I love you, Dear."

Calum: "I love you, Mum. I love you, too, Dad."

David: "I love you, son."

Mali-Koa: "Okay, now go before I start crying." She held back her tears.

August: "Bye Auntie Mali!"

Mali-Koa: "Bye Auggie!"

Yn: "Say 'Bye', Ana." She waved her arm.

We walked out and got into the Uber. I had the address to my brother's place. It wasn't far from the airport, thank God.

Throughout the ride, Calum had his arm around my shoulder as I held August and he held Anastasia.

Y/b's Place

We got to my brothers place and thankfully, he was here. He had just left a meeting.

Y/b: "Yn, Calum? What're you doin' here?"

Yn: "We came to see you and your nephew and niece missed you."

Y/b: "Oh, hello Ana, hey August! How are you doing?"

August: "I'm great! I spent Christmas with grandma and grandpa and Auntie Mali-Koa!"

Y/b: "Did you now?"

Calum: "Hey, Y/b."

Y/b: "Hey, Calum. How's it going?"

Calum: "Just fine." He smiled.

Y/n: "Other dad showing up before tour."

Y/b: "What? Why didn't you call me?"

Y/n: "It's alright, Calum was right there with me. He actually fought him."

Calum: "He deserves every second of pain."

Y/b: "That he does. Thankfully, my dad helped a bit with the situation before shit went down."

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