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November 18, 2016

I woke up and my eyes slowly opened. I felt around the bed, but Calum wasn't there. I sat up trying to let my eyes open and looked for my phone. Oh, on 48%, lucky me. I opened Instagram and saw Calum's story of him walking with Starbucks in his hand. Then I heard the front door opening, I took a peak outside of my bedroom door.

Calum: "Well, good morning. I brought you Starbucks."

Yn: "Morning. Thanks, I, uh, just saw your story just now."

Calum: "What do you wanna do today?"

Yn: "I don't know, what's there to do?"

Calum: "Well, we could go to the beach. I haven't had the chance to go in a while."

Yn: "Sounds fun to me." I walked into my room to find a bikini.

" I walked into my room to find a bikini

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Calum: "Ugh, fuck, I love this one."

Yn: "I love it too."

Calum didn't have 'bathers', Jesus, Aussies are funny. Anyways, we needed to go to a shop to get it for him. I changed into the bikini and wore a band tee over it with sandals. Oh, cannot forget the towels. He offered to drive his bmw to the beach, which I was okay with. We left the apartment and started to head towards the beach but look for shops that sells 'bathers', I'm sorry its so funny to me. Thankfully, there was one across the street from the beach, so we ended up parking first and walked to the shop. I left the towels in the car, theres no need for me to carry them if we're gonna have to get back in or pass by the car.

He got just a black pair and changed in the car. I waited outside to make sure no one was watching, but I took off my shirt as well and put it in the back. The walk on the sand felt like forever because it was burning hot, but it felt nice at the same time. We got a good spot, not too far but not close either. Might I say, he should be shirtless more often.

Yn: "Let me get a picture of you!"

Calum: "Alright." He stood still with his hands behind his back.

" He stood still with his hands behind his back

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Yn: "You're so photogenic, oh my God." I was blushing hella hard at this photo.

Calum: "I try." He smiled as he ran his hand through his hair.

Calum Hood x Reader | I Can't RememberWhere stories live. Discover now