Now most of the crowd left and the security was getting rid of everyone so they could start cleaning the mess from the confetti. Calum must have said something to have one of them to bring me back there. My brother started walking towards me, but security stopped him and started questioning him. I looked back to see him and told the guard that he is my brother to get him over here. So they finally let him come towards me. 

Yn: "You good?"

Yb: "Yeah, are they letting you back there?"

Yn: "I think so..I don't know why. I think some of those girls are jealous too.."

We looked back and saw a few girls glaring at us. I just rolled my eyes. Not my problem. Anyways, we walked behind the stage and I heard footsteps heading towards us. Then all I see is my favorite 6'1 human. He was very sweaty, but still hot.

Calum: "Hey there again. Sorry, I'm all sweaty." He reached for a hug, obviously I accepted.

Yn: "I don't mind."

Calum: "Oh, I never got your name at the meet and greet."

Yn: "It's Yn. Oh, and this is my brother Yb."

Yb: "Nice to meet you, Calum. My sister never stops talking about you guys."

Yn: "Stop, Yb." I slapped his arm and awkwardly smiled. 

Calum: "Well.." He chuckled. "Your brother made a phone call a few weeks ago and got in contact with our management. So, we have a surprise for you.." He said as we were walking to a room. 

Yn: "What the hell did you do." I said smiling.

Yb: "Since obviously, I'm the favorite..might as well get you something that would make you happier."

We got to the room and it had birthday decorations all around with a big cake. My birthday isn't for another three weeks.

When I saw this room, I nearly collapsed. I saw Luke, Michael, and Ashton there and even their parents, but not Calum's. I'm just a fan. What the fuck is this? Why is this happening?

Before anyone could say anything, I started balling my eyes out. 

Yn: "This is the best early birthday gift ever." I hugged my brother. 

Yb: "You're welcome, sis. I know our childhood wasn't exactly easy, but now it's my turn to change things around." 

Luke: "Alright, everyone. Gather 'round."

Everyone walked towards the table and sat me down in front of the cake. There were a few cupcakes near it that were lit with candles. 

All of the guys started singing.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Yn
Happy birthday to you

I had thought of a wish, hopefully making it true, then I blew out the candles.

Ashton: "What did ya wish for?"

Yn: "I don't know if I can say, it might not come true." Everyone laughed.

The cake looked so fucking good I didn't even wanna eat it. It's so detailed.

Calum: "Happy birthday Yn, I know this will be the most special birthday for the rest of your life

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Calum: "Happy birthday Yn, I know this will be the most special birthday for the rest of your life."

Yn: "Oh, trust me, it will be." I got up and gave the guys a hug.

Yn: "Thank you guys for making this happen. Seriously, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."

Yb: "Oh yeah, that's a fact. My sister only had music as her escape when I left, I felt horrible but I just couldn't do it anymore."

Michael: "That's what we're here for." He smiled.

Calum: "Hey Yn, can we talk outside?" 

Yn: "Yeah.." I was looking at the guys and they started giggling.

What the fuck are they laughing at? I couldn't help but laugh too.

I was blushing extremely worse than earlier. 

Calum: "Let's just close that for a second, um.." he said as he closed the door but left it cracked.

Yn: "What is happening?" It was clear my face was red at this point.

Calum: "So, your brother has mentioned you a lot, and I hope that this isn't a bit much, but uh, of course with his okay, I wanted to know if you would like to hang out with me and the guys for a couple of days."

Yn: "Of course! I couldn't turn this opportunity down. And what did my brother say about me.."

Calum: "Nothing bad, just mentioned about your parents behavior towards you when he left and how I, your escape, you know, from all that. And that you have a crush on me.." He blushed.

Yn: "I swear to God, I'm gonna kill him."

Calum: "Don't do that now, I mean..he showed a picture of you and I couldn't help but wonder if you would also like to go on a date with me..?"He struggled his words.

No fucking way. Calum Hood just asked me out.

I couldn't speak..but the only word that managed to come out...

Yn: "Yes!" I was trying so hard not to pass out.

Calum: "I'm so glad, I was nervous there that you were gonna say no."

Yn: "Now, why the hell would I do that?" I laughed.

Calum: "Dunno, but since you've said yes, I already made plans for us tomorrow."

Yn: "Alright, well, I'm excited. Thank you again for this, this is gonna make me cry tonight."

Calum: "Please don't cry, also, I need your number." He pulled out his phone and went into his contacts to add me. So I did the same.

Calum: "I'm already your wallpaper?"

Yn: "Duh, why wouldn't you be?" We both laughed.

Calum: "Okay, let's go back inside." He opened the door for me, what a gentleman.

Michael: "Now that the tour is over, we can finally rest a little bit and make our next album."

All the guys agreed. We all left the room and walked with the guys to their Uber outside of the venue. I stayed by Cal's side with my arm around his back and he had his arm across my shoulder. I feel like this is a dream. I feel shaky, like its my anxiety but it's different. 

After about five minutes of walking, we had said our goodbyes. I didn't wanna let him go. I gave Ashton a hug, then Michael, then Luke. I looked into Calum's eyes, then gave him the longest hug. His arms wrapped around me and it felt like I was home. They all got into the car and Calum did last and said something that caught my attention. 

Calum: "Oh and by the way, I'll see you soon." He smiled as the car drove off.

Yn: "What the fuck did he mean by that.."

Yb: "Okay, this time, I don't know." He sounded confused.

Yn: "Okay, I'm tired now." I yawned. It's nearly midnight. 

After making our way back inside, we called an Uber ourselves and waited to be picked up. 

Calum Hood x Reader | I Can't RememberWhere stories live. Discover now