Hey, it's been a while. But uh, Cal and I haven't posted our son on social media. The only thing we've mentioned is that he's born. People have been constantly asking when they're going to see a photo of him, but they can wait. However, others were more respectful about it like we can do whatever we want because it's our kid. I understand that the fandom is excited to see baby Hood, but that's for when we're ready. Which, I guess is today. It's been well over 8 month months since we've said anything about the baby. Actually, it's been 5 months since August was born. This is his first Halloween.

October 27th, 2019

Calum suggested we dressed up as a vampire family. Of course, we got photos of just him and I, but we did get a photographer to do some family photos. August's costume is funny as hell.

 August's costume is funny as hell

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But I uh, wanted to do a photoshoot for Calum, too

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But I uh, wanted to do a photoshoot for Calum, too. Just because. But he doesn't know about it yet. He took Auggie to see his uncles and aunts.

 He took Auggie to see his uncles and aunts

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By the way, this photographer is part of my clothing company

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By the way, this photographer is part of my clothing company. She's really good, like amazing. Her name is Jordan. I don't know if you guys remember from earlier, but she's dating I think..Mitchel from Chase Atlantic. Here this might help..

She's like my best friend ever since I hired her

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She's like my best friend ever since I hired her. Thank God all of my friends like her. They seem to like her a lot anyways. Anyways, ever since that happened my clothing company started shooting up in business all because of my personal reasons of why my business is different. A little backstory, ever since Calum gave me my start up money I've found investors and whatnot and created my clothing business, EuphoriBodi, to be for everyone. It has all types of styles ranging from cottage core to punk rock looks, but the catch is..all of the sizes, because I know this is a HUGE reason to start this, are the same price. From XS to even 5XL, or even if the customer has a custom size, the price will never change. I've always hated that when looking online. Especially a lot of the etsy shops, like an XS shirt would be $15, but each size up went up a dollar or two. Which is completely unfair. I know it was a risk, but I had to do for what I think is right for the customers, that's my way I guess. But my prices are especially reasonable too, unlike you know, 5 Seconds of Summer's merch being $80 a hoodie, mine are $30. A t-shirt with them is $40-45, mine are $20. I don't care about the money. Money isn't an issue. And plus, another perk to this is that every order that has at least 10 items or $150 placed in an order, A box will be donated to any country that's voted for the most each month. (Btw this is my actual business lol, I just haven't really started it yet) I know what it's like to struggle, so I just wanna give back to those who need it. 

On from that, we've actually been doing really good. We haven't even discussed our wedding yet, but that's not our concern right now. You know, he's busy with his music career, but he still makes time for me and August, but I'm also busy with my business. Um, we may need to hire a nanny soon..or I'll just get one of the girls, since they don't do anything..

Oh, fuck, I forgot to say that the guys are on tour with The Chainsmokers! Literally the day after August was born, they had to leave. But the girls stayed over and helped me out until Calum got me and August a ticket to them in Dallas, Texas for their show. I was fucking exhausted mentally and physically, but I did my best to support them and August. 

Ironically, the venue was named after the airline that we took.

American Airlines Venue on October 31st, 2019

Just before their show started, the guys dressed up as each other. Calum was Michael, Michael as Luke, Luke as Ashton, and Ashton as Calum. I rolled the stroller up the ramp and saw Calum. I got excited and walked a little faster and snuck up behind him. I tapped on his shoulder as I moved Auggie to the side. 

Calum: "Oh my God, you made it! I missed you!" He hugged me immediately and spun me around. 

Yn: "I missed you so much." I almost started crying.

Calum: "God, I'm sorry I completely forgot about the tour happening the month after August was born. Have you been alright with him? Did the girls help out? Are you-"

Yn: "Cal, Cal..I'm okay. We're okay. The girls were the best of help. I know you're just doing what you love. I wouldn't want you to give up on your dream."

Calum: "But..darlin'...you are my dream."

I kissed him for a hot minute.

Calum: "Oh, how I missed that. And how's my son doing?" He reached over to pick him up.

Yn: "The best, actually.."

He's only seen him a couple times, he traveled out of his way to come see us throughout the tour. I never expected this from him.

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