Oh how I miss the old days. My lovely husband of 50+ years is still my best friend and now we have grandchildren. And they're visiting for the weekend! 

I heard a knock on the door and Calum got up and opened it.

Calum: "Oh how are my favorite grandkids doin'?"

All: "Good!"

Yazzy: "How's grandma doing?"

Calum: "She's doing good today, I think. How you doin' bud?"

August: "Hey dad, I'm doing fine."

Anastasia: "Hey dad, how's Mom? Better or worse?"

Calum: "I don't know..but come on in, we have all kinds of snacks out for the little ones."

Mateo: "YAY! SNACKS!!"


I laughed as they ran into the kitchen.

Yn: "Be careful, boys."

August: "Hey mom." He walked over towards me.

Yn: "Oh hello, honey. How are the kids doing?"

August: "They're doing just great, um, but uh, Eve couldn't make it, but she sends her love."

Yn: "Oh, okay. Tell her I said hi."

Anastasia: "Hi Mama, how are you?"

Yn: "Just fine my dear."

Calum: "Hey, who wants to hear a song?"

Yazzy: "I do! I do!"

Rome: "Yeah, play us a song!"

Mateo: "Play a song!"

Calum: "Any recommendations?"

Anastasia: "I know one Dad. It's from one of your old albums. Older."

Yn: "Oh, I love that song."

Calum: "Alright, alright."

He walked over to get one of his guitars, but before he could play the doorbell rang.

Yn: "Who's that?"

Calum: "I dunno."

He opened the door and he was surprised.

Michael: "Hey, buddy. How's it going?"

Calum: "Mike! What are you doin' here?"

Michael moved to the side and he saw Luke and Ashton.

Ashton: "Hey, Cal."

Luke: "Calum!"

Calum: "What's goin' on? Why you guys here?"

Ashton: "Haven't seen you guys in a couple of years."

Calum: "Well come on in, I was just about to play Older for the family."

The guys walked in and greeted the family.

Ashton: "Hey Yn. How are you?"

Yn: "I'm doing fine."

Luke: "Hey Yn. Is he causing too much trouble?"

Yn: "Haha, no, no. He's doing great."

Michael: "Hi Yn."

Yn: "Hi Mikey. Oh, how's Crystal and the kids?" Oh..yeah him and my friend didn't work out, but he met this girl named Crystal and oh they are meant for each other.

Michael: "They're doing great."

Anastasia: "How are my favorite uncles doing?"

August: "Hey! They're my favorite uncles."

Calum: "Okay, back to the song." He grabbed the guitar and started strumming Older while Luke was on the piano. I guess he decided to join in.

Then his voice. Oh he still has it.

I don't wanna get older
Without your head on my shoulder
On the day that you leave me
I'll forever be bleeding, love
As forever comes closer
Hope the world will spin slower
I don't wanna get older
I don't wanna get older

Stare at the photograph
Suddenly takes me back
The promises roll off your breath
In your cocaine-colored wedding dress
Lost in the day-to-day
You kiss away the pain
Oh, every time you twist my lips
My dear devoted delicate

It's not worth it if I lose my one-way ticket for two
Just me, just you

I don't wanna get older
Without your head on my shoulder 
On the day that you leave me
I'll forever be bleeding, love
As forever comes closer
Hope the world will spin slower
I don't wanna get older
I don't wanna get older

Our love is tailor-made
But we let the edges fade
Your wicked smile, it says it all
Mixed with my sad and cynical
No tragedy at the end
No, nothing Shakespearean
It all comes flooding back again
My dear devoted delicate

It's not worth it if I lose my one-way ticket for two
Just me, just you

I don't wanna get older
Without your head on my shoulder
On the day that you leave me
I'll forever be bleeding, love
As forever comes closer
Hope the world will spin slower
I don't wanna get older
I don't wanna get older

Yazzy: "Grandpa! Tell us how you and grandma met!"

Yn: "Calum was super cute when I first saw him live. He had his fluffy brown hair and his bass. I'm pretty sure it was..twenty-thirteen?"

Calum: "Didn't know that. You know when I first met her I thought that she's the most beautiful woman in the world. It was our tour in twenty-sixteen, Sounds Live Feels Live. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. Do you remember when we all surprised you for an early birthday gift?"

Before I said anything..I was thinking. But uh..

Yn: "I'm sorry..I..I can't remember."

Everyone was looking at me. Anastasia turned her head away and was starting to cry.

Yn: "Why's she crying?" I was genuinely confused.

Calum: "It's nothing, love. Probably just can't wait to get back home."

Yn: "Oh, okay. I love you guys so much." I smiled.

Ashton: "We love you, Yn."

Rome: "I love you, grandma!"

Calum: "I love you."

Yn: "I love you more."

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