Oh my God, that brunch was amazing and we ended up driving to the airport right after but with only Ashton in the car while Michael and Luke were with Chase Atlantic as they followed us.

Yn: "What're we doing here?"

Calum: "Well..you know I said I'd get your friends here."

Yn: "I thought you were joking! No you didn't!"

Ashton: "I'm excited to meet your gals, especially Nova. She seems sweet."

Yn: "I've actually known Nova the longest, she's been my best friend since first grade."

Calum: "Damn, longer than we've known each other." He chuckled.

We pulled into the line and we see the girls. I opened my door and ran to them.

Yn: "Oh my God, I missed you guys!" I hugged them.

Nova: "Oh my God, there is no way this is happening! How did you fucking get here?" She whispered.

Yn: "Luck somehow." I smiled.

Leilani: "WHERE IS MICHAEL!?" She searched.

Yn: "Nice to see you too, Leilani." I laughed.

Michael, Luke, Calum, and Ashton, and even Mitchel, Christian, and Clinton all got out to help us put their stuff in the cars.

Nova: "Who are those guys?" She whispered in my ear.

Yn: "Oh..um..that's another band I've been listening to the past couple of years. I didn't know that they were spending Christmas with us until Calum told me. The blondie is Christian, the one with the braids is Mitchel, and the other is his brother Clinton." I smiled at her.

Leilani: "I'm gonna pass out, oh my God. Hi Michael!"

Michael: "Hi Leilani! It's nice to meet you finally!" He gave her a hug.

Ashton: "Hey Nova!"

Nova: "Hi Ashton! It's great to see you again."

Blair walked over to Luke.

Blair: "Hi Luke." She was blushing.

Luke: "Hey there, what's your name?" He also gave her a hug.

Blair: "It's Blair. Is this..really happening or am I just dreaming?"

Calum looked over at them and started laughing when he looked into my eyes. I walked over to him.

Yn: "Oh shut up. They're having their moments." I laughed.

Then the girls greeted the others and Calum, after you know, their favorite in the band.

Calum: "It's great to meet you, Nova. Yn has been talking about you, Blair, and Leilani a lot."

Nova: "I hope nothing bad." She looked like she was about to cry.

Calum: "Of course not, all good things." He smiled.

After the girls greeted them, we all were trying to decide seating arrangements but someone has to sit on someone's lap. Great. We're one seat short. Calum decided to let Michael drive his car and I let Leilani have the front seat. Chase Atlantic were still in their same spots, Mitchel in the passenger seat, Clinton driving, and Christian in the back left seat. I'm gonna match up the girls with who they like the most. So after Michael and Leilani, I'm gonna have..Nova and Ashton sit together in Calum's car and I'll just have to be on Calum's lap. Which I know, he won't mind. Now Luke and Blair can sit together in Clinton's car. We all gathered in the cars and after Calum got in, he helped me get on his lap.

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