Oh God, the line is getting closer and closer to them. I looked at my brother with excitement and he smiled. It felt like an eternity, but my heart was racing with every step taken. We're in line to take the photos. My anxiety is not getting any better here. 

28 Minutes Pass by and we're next in line. Oh my God, Calum looks fine as fuck. 

Oh God, I feel like I'm gonna pass out

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Oh God, I feel like I'm gonna pass out. Stop freaking out. My anxiety meds have worn off now. Now it was our turn for the photos. I slowly walked up to Ashton and hugged him, and we said our 'hello's'. Same as for Calum and I was blushing hella hard.

Calum: "Hey there, how are you?"

Yn:  "I'm doing fine, trying not to freak out honestly."

Calum: "There shouldn't be any reason to be nervous." He smiled at me.  

My brother stepped aside from the photo as I stood in between to Calum and Luke, I put my arm around Cal. My brother started filming the process, then the photo was shot a couple times. After the photo, Calum hugged me again and  I didn't wanna leave him. My brother quit recording and looked at me smiling obnoxiously. 

Calum: "Bye!" He said sweetly and my eyes couldn't stop staring as I waved bye.

So I said my "Hi's" to Luke and Michael and left to go stand in line for the floor. Everyone was trying to get merch, so I talked into my brother to let me get in line for the floor alone and get me the merch himself. He loves me so much he will most likely get me everything. 

Okay, my hands are shaking but I'm waiting for them to let us in. I can't believe that just happened. I took out my phone and immediately FaceTimed my friends.

Yn: "Guys, I just met 5 Seconds of Summer. I wanna cry."

L: "Please don't you'll make me cry because I'm jealous!"

B: "How was it?"

Yn: "They were really sweet, especially Calum. He hugged me again after the photo, and tighter than the first hug. I can't stop wanting to cry."

N: "See, they won't bite." She started laughing. 

Yn: "Uh-huh, anyways they go on soon so I gotta rush to the barricade, my brother is at the merch table getting me whatever."

B: "Okay, bye!"

Yn: "Bye guys!"

L & N: "Byeeee!"

10 minutes after, they let us in and I rushed to the barricade. Thankfully, I was one of the first girls to get to the right side of the stage. I stood at my spot and waited for my brother to come back with the merch. I was on my phone and I got a notification that 5SOS posted on their story. It's a video of them acting crazy, Jesus. 

Time was flying by and next thing I knew the lights went out. I started screaming for the life of me when they came out. The first song they started playing was Hey Everybody!

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