Yn: "Are you guys excited to go meet your other grandpa?" I buckled August' seat.

August: "Yeah!"

Anastasia: "Yay! Grandpa!"

God, they're getting so big already. My brother is already there, so they're waiting on us. We got on the plane and now we're waiting to take off. I held Ana in my lap while August sat by the window to watch. Then the plane started getting ready to take off. I held onto Calum's hand. I just have really horrible anxiety all the time, so it's not like I'm afraid of planes itself. Here goes the five hour flight to New York. Then I rested my eyes and laid my head on Calum.

New York City

We made it! We got off the plane and headed to the baggage claim area. Not for much longer, we found our suitcases and headed outside and we see them.

Yn: "Oh, dad! How are you?"

Dad: "I'm great, honey. And you must be Calum!"

Calum: "Yeah, it's nice to meet you, finally." He smiled.

Dad: "And who are you?" He bent down towards Auggie's eye level.

August: "I'm August!"

Dad: "Well, hello there, August. Are you excited to have some fun here in New York?"

August: "Yeah!"

Yn: "And this is Anastasia." I handed her to him.

Dad: "Oh, she's so lovely. Hi, Anastasia."

Anastasia: "Hi." She curled her head onto his shoulder.

Yb: "Hey, sis."

Yn: "Hi, Yb. When did you get in?"

Yb: "Couple days ago."

August: "Uncle Yb!" He ran up to him.

Yb: "Hey, buddy." He hugged him.

Dad: "Guess we should get goin' now."

Calum: "Yep, I'll get the suitcases, love."

Yn: "Okay."

I grabbed August and sat him in the middle of the backseat, then buckled him in. Calum loaded the suitcases in the trunk, then moved towards the left side of the car to get in. I was on the right, while Yb was driving and my, well, better dad got in the passenger side after he handed Ana to Calum. Then we left the airport.

Dad's Penthouse

Dad's place is crazy. Like, I wish I had this life. Not that anything is horrible right now, but I wish I had this growing up. Just take a look for yourself.

 Just take a look for yourself

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Calum Hood x Reader | I Can't RememberWhere stories live. Discover now