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It's new years, almost..uhm, the guys decided to throw a small party, and by small I mean a hundred people. There were a few celebrities who showed up, like uh, Liam Payne and uh..Avril Lavigne. Other than that, we took photos with our friends throughout the night:

 Other than that, we took photos with our friends throughout the night:

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The girls have been spending as much time as they can with the guys

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The girls have been spending as much time as they can with the guys. So at midnight, I think they're all gonna kiss. I won't be surprised if they ended up together, I've been talking with the guys to ask the girls out, but they keep saying "not yet," so..Anyways, it's 10 seconds before new years and I'm standing next to Calum and we're all watching the screens throughout the house of the timer. 

Everyone: "Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six!..." time was starting to fade as I looked in Calum's eyes. He held his drink in his right hand and moved to stand in front of me. "Three! Two! One!" Some people screamed "Happy new year!" 'cause they didn't have anyone. This was perfect. His left hand rested on my hip, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he leaned down 'cause this man is tall. Then Calum's and I's lips were in sync. After a couple seconds, his tongue was reaching for my mouth to open and I let him and he tastes like beer. We were making out for a good 30 seconds.

Calum: "Happy new year, Love." He pulled away and said.

Yn: "Happy new year, babe."

We had partied until like 4 in the morning and I was wasted by now. Calum seems more sober than me. I was stumbling towards the kitchen to get another drink when I felt a hand take my cup.

Yn: "Heyyyy, give it bacckkk." I slured.

Calum: "No, it's the last thing you need right now. You're already fucked up, babe." He said holding it towards the ceiling. I tried reaching for it but I was horribly too drunk to even see it. 

Yn: "Cmonnn, let me just have one more.."

Calum: "No, I think I'm gonna put you to bed." He picked me up and carried me upstairs.

Yn: "Let me go, Calum!" I tried squirming out of his hands.

Calum: "I will in a second." He said as he reached the top of the stairs. 

We got to the room and he had laid me down on our bed. 

Yn: "Ohh, so this is-" He cut me off.

Calum: "No, no, no. We are not doing this. Especially when you're intoxicated, I won't do that to you." 

Yn: "Well, you're intoxicated, too.."

Calum: "Exactly my point. Not happening. I don't like it when guys take control over women when they didn't want to do anything, especially when they've been drinking. Sorry, love. I want you to be safe first."

Yn: "Aww, you're too sweet." I yawned.

He helped take off my dress and heels. He grabbed a pair of my shorts and one of his t-shirts and helped dressed me. He started to tuck me into bed and walk away afterwards.

Yn: "W-where are you going?"

Calum: "I'll be back up in a minute, I'm gonna get you some water for the morning. Then we'll go to bed."

Yn: "Oh, okay." 

After a couple of minutes, he came back up with the water and a pill.

Calum: "I'd rather you take this now, so in the morning you're not complaining about your hangover."

I took what he gave me and downed it with the water. It wasn't helping me that the party hasn't died down yet, so Calum went downstairs and asked the guys to start telling people to go home. For what seems like forever, only 20 minutes went by and the music had stopped, but there were a lot of chattering drunk people as they were walking out.

Calum came back to the room and walked into the bathroom. I can't fall asleep without him, but my eyes were saying otherwise. I tried to keep my eyes open and he walked out with only his underwear on. Fuuuucckkkkk, he's looking fiinneeee. He crawled onto his side of the bed and laid on his back. I turned my body to face him and wrapped my leg over his waist with my arm around his torso. I laid my head on his chest and I could hear his heartbeat. He started humming and caressing my hair with his hand. My eyes were finally closed and my body felt rested. 


I woke up late with a major hangover. I ran to the bathroom and Calum ran with me. I leaned over the toilet and started throwing up and he held my hair up and rubbing my back. We had sat in here for about 15 minutes and it was constantly back and forth from being quiet to throwing up. It finally stopped and I got up to brush my teeth. 

Calum: "You alright now, love? I knew it was gonna be a rough morning."

Yn: "Uh..yeah, I just have a raging headache, but I'm sure I can still function today.." I was done brushing my teeth. I groaned at the pain.

Calum: "If there's anything you need, just let me know." He kissed my head.

Yn: "Ugh, why are you so sweet?" I giggled.

Calum: "Probably from all the junk food I eat." He laughed.

Yn: "Ahah, so funny..I love you."

Calum: "I love you more."

Yn: "Nope."

Calum: "Yes."

Yn: "No."

Calum: "Yeah, I do."

Yn: "Prove it." I smirked.

Calum: "...but your headache..?"

Yn: "Will be fine, I can manage the headache."

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