I woke up and looked at Calum. He's so adorable when he sleeps.

I got up and grabbed some clothes from my drawer and went into my bathroom to shower

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I got up and grabbed some clothes from my drawer and went into my bathroom to shower. I took a while this time because I had to shave. But, I managed to get out quicker than usual. I dried off and put on my clothes. My hair is damp still, it takes forever to dry. I walked out and saw Calum on his phone.

Yn: "Well, good morning."

Calum: "Good morning." He said with a raspy voice. Fuck.

Yn: "So, what are our plans today?"

Calum: "Actually, I've been meaning to tell you..."

Fuck, this isn't good.

Yn: "What.."

Calum: "The guys need me at the studio. In LA."

Yn: "What?" I started to tear up.

Calum: "It'll be alright, we can call whenever you want, just as long as I'm not needed. I'm sorry."

Yn: "I know, I'm sorry. I just.."

Calum: "What is it, love?" Oh, please don't say that to me.

Yn: "I just get bad anxiety attacks when I get emotionally attached to someone. Like i-" He kissed me.

Calum: "Don't be sorry for what you can't control. I will be back in a couple of weeks though."

Yn: "Can I at least come with you to the airport?"

Calum: "Yeah, I can't say no to you. Also, if you want, you can drive my car while I'm gone, so we don't have to take an Uber."

Yn: "Yeah, I can."

He embraced me in a hug. I love his hugs. I started to cry again and his hand caressed my hair. After a couple of minutes, I finally calmed down. I grabbed my phone to put it in my pocket and we got in his car and went to his house so he could pack his things.

The Airport

We parked in the garage so I could go with him before he gets on the tram to his terminal. His suitcase was on his right side, so I was on his left. We walked throughout the airport and sat down for a few minutes, since his plane doesn't leave for at least an hour and a half. I was cuddled up to him for a while and then he said he needed to go. I was trying my best to not breakdown here. We got up and walked towards the tram. Before he got on it, we hugged for a minute and shared a kiss.

Calum: "I will text you when I land."

Yn: "Okay, bye Cal."

Calum: "Bye, Yn."

And he left. I stood there for a few more seconds and left to go back to the garage. I admired his keys in my hand and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. What the hell? My background changed. Calum. He probably took my phone last night and changed it. Of course.

He's so cute

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He's so cute. Anyways, I got to the parking garage and got in the drivers seat. God, I'm short as fuck. I can't reach the pedal. I moved the seat closer and sat in his car for a few minutes. I went onto his settings to connect my phone to bluetooth and played his band's self-titled album. Time to go home now.

1 Week Later

I didn't bother him while he was in the studio, plus it's nearly an 18 hour difference. I left the room to grab something to eat. When I got back, I noticed I got a voicemail from him.

Hi, I'm fucking bad at these. It's your favorite boy, um, it's Calum Hood here. Um, probably the only Calum in LA right now, uh, I literally haven't met one since I've been in America. Um, bet you didn't know my voice sounded like this up in, up all up in your ears. I'm, you know I was just thinkin' of ya so I thought I'd send you a message and uh, say I'm still thinkin' about ya. Um, yeah, anyway, uh I'm at home today, I'm chillin' with my dog, been doin' some work things. Um, and uh it's, it's been a really good day. Um, so hopefully you're having as good a day, if not better. Hopefully, you're having a better day, um, that would make me really happy and if you're not, things get a little brighter. Uh, try to be easy on yourself, but if it is great, it really just holdin' in on what's making you feel good. Um, I'm sending you a lotta love, lotta positivity, um, actually I, it's if you needed to know, I stopped playing um, this computer game with Michael to actually send you this note. Uh, so hopefully it finds you well, but basically I just wanted to check in. Um, I'm thinkin' of you over here, I'm in LA right now. Hope, hopefully you're safe, outta trouble, um, I'm sittin' in a pitch black room, um, for some reason, uh, and um, it is five nineteen pm. Uh, Duke's layin' on the floor, he's done absolutely jack shit today. He's lot, he's laid around everywhere, um, anywhere you could think of in our house and he goes "Yup, I'm deservin' of a good nap" um, which is just, just is bullshit Duke, you don't do dishes or anything. Anyway, I've got kinda off track there. Hopefully, we'll see each other soon and until then be safe, please. Uh, let me know what you're up to today. Love you! And we'll talk soon, bye.

He is so sweet, oh my God. Wait. Did he say "love you" or am I just crazy? I replayed his voicemail a few times. Oh, he did..I was smiling uncontrollably and then I hear the door open.

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